Home Nigerian Gospel Songs Prospa Ochimana – My Devotion (Audio & Lyrics)

Prospa Ochimana – My Devotion (Audio & Lyrics)

Prospa Ochimana – My Devotion (Audio & Lyrics)
Prospa Ochimana – My Devotion (Audio & Lyrics)

My Devotion by Prospa Ochimana is a song of revival and restoration for every believer. Awakening the need to press in the last days towards the mark of the higher calling.

Prospa Ochimana is a Nigerian Gospel minister and Psalmist. He is known for his electrifying and captivating worship that leads men to a place of intimacy with the Holy Spirit.

He is already a household name in Nigeria and beyond with multiple awards and invitations all over the globe.

On this page, is a new song by Prospa Ochimana titled “My Devotion“. Download and stream in mp3 format below;



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