Christians Set To Preach Jesus To Thousands At Boston’s SatanCon 2023 Gathering

    Christians Set To Preach Jesus To Thousands At Boston's SatanCon 2023 Gathering

    Christians Set To Preach Jesus To Thousands At Boston’s SatanCon 2023 Gathering

    Christians Set To Preach Jesus To Thousands At Boston’s SatanCon 2023 Gathering

    No doubt the boldness and identifiers of Satanists have grown in recent times, especially in the Western world, but this time believers are set to do something about it.

    The Bible says my people are gone into captivity for lack of knowledge – Hosea 4:6. The rise in evil in the world is due to the decline in teachings and revelations of God’s word in many areas. Sin has become the order of the day and this is a serious cause for concern

    Intercessors from all across the United States say they are being called by God to travel to Boston for SatanCon 2023 in order to share the gospel with the thousands of Satanists expected to attend the “largest satanic gathering in history.”

    The event is being promoted as “Hexennacht in Boston,” a German word that translates to “Witches Night in Boston.” It is set to take place in downtown Boston on April 28-30.

    Christians Set To Preach Jesus To Thousands At Boston’s SatanCon

    SatanCon 2023
    SatanCon 2023

    Boston Mayor Michelle Wu has banned satanic invocations at public events, thus this event is being conducted there on purpose. The temple filed suit against Boston after the city denied its request to fly its flag over City Hall during Satan Appreciation Week in July 2021.

    The regional leaders in Boston for Intercessors For America (IFA) — Scottish sisters Suzie and Lynn MacAskill — say hundreds of believers from several denominations will come together in unity, not to pray the event away, but instead pray for revival to break out amongst the attendees in Jesus’ name.

    Suzie MacAskill revealed that God changed her prayers about the event.

    “I initially went to prayer with a preconceived idea that God would want this to be prayed away. Following this assumption, I was awakened through the night with a clear sense of ‘This is My harvest field,'” Suzie MacAskill told The Christian Post.

    “Since truly seeking God’s will for this event, and not coming with my own ideas, I believe I’ve been able to more clearly hear of His love for those who are lost and His strategy for praying for this event,” she added.

    Christians Set To Preach Jesus To Thousands At Boston’s SatanCon

    The prayer leader joined IFA, which has “half a million prayer warriors,” in 2022. She says this particular petition challenged her not to look at the external appearance and make judgments based on what she sees.

    “God is showing me that I need to repent of this and try instead to look at each individual and see them as lost, broken, wounded, seeking and be the person who stands in the gap to cry out for their salvation.”

    Suzie MacAskill said many others have also confirmed that God wants them to pray and be a light to those at the satanic event instead of praying for it to cease.

    IFA Boston co-leader Lynn MacAskill said, “several people [are] receiving words and visions about the angel armies surrounding Boston.”

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    They prophesied that Christians: “Repented, prayed and took communion right outside the Satan-con venue.”

    “Suzie and I have only just come to understand that God has been preparing us for this for some time, which is very comforting as we get close to going into the battle zone in days.”

    Not only will IFA be present in the event’s surrounding areas, but Christians from across the country will be joining them in Massachusetts that weekend.

    Christians Set To Preach Jesus To Thousands At Boston’s SatanCon

    “We have been blessed to hear of several intercessors from across the nation who have felt God calling them to Boston,” Lynn MacAskill told CP. “The Revive Boston conference is going on the same weekend as SatanCon, and they are doing evangelism teaching during it and then planning to have multiple small teams go out into Boston on Saturday afternoon to evangelize.”

    SatanCon 2023 is the Satanic temple’s 10-year anniversary, according to its website, and will feature discussion panels, satanic rituals, entertainment, a satanic wedding chapel and a demonic marketplace. The website pegs the event as “a weekend of blasphemy and remembrance in Boston.”

    However, Suzie MacAskill believes God will intervene.

    “My personal sense is that God is doing something new, something powerful, something wonderful, and He is calling His bride to unity as He does this,” she said. “We are seeing intercessors and watchmen joining with us from all over Massachusetts, New England and this nation to see what the enemy intended for evil used by God for His good and mighty purposes.”

    “We pray for a harvest of lost souls to take place as we have never seen before,” she concluded.

    For Christians wanting to join IFA in Boston, the Lord gave the leaders several strategies people can follow, according to Lynn MacAskill. Those include glorifying God through praise and worship to “prepare the way for victory.”

    “This was confirmed by an intercessor I have never met on a prayer call saying to me that she also felt God was saying to me that we need to ‘Raise a Hallelujah’ (to counter the darkness), this was the exact phrase He had given me that I wrote in my journal when praying for His strategy,” she wrote.

    Christians Set To Preach Jesus To Thousands At Boston’s SatanCon

    Another strategy she shared is for Christians to “get out of the church building” by doing things like “prayer walks around the ‘harvest field'” and performing communion at SatanCon.

    Lastly, Christians are called to “fast and pray” and “cry out to God for these lost people and for their salvation.”

    “Many believers will be coming into Boston to pray and minister the love of Jesus to these lost souls,” Lynn MacAskill said. “Hundreds of the army of God will meet with hundreds of Satanists, but we know we have an angelic army backing us up.”

    A scripture that the intercessors are holding on to is 2 Kings 6:15-17 which speaks of God sending horses and chariots of fire to protect his people. “Those who are with us are more than those who are with them,” the scripture states.

    There are various Christian events planned around the same time as SatanCon.

    Several churches will host worship services on the Thursday and Friday nights before the event.

    “The Send” (Lou Engle’s national initiative) is having a preparation event on April 22 before their big arena event in Boston in September.

    Clay Nash’s 50-state prayer initiative happens to be scheduled for Massachusetts the same week of SatanCon.

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