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‘I Have Never Closed My Eyes Since Birth’ – Apostle Arome Osayi Reveals (Video)

'I Have Never Closed My Eyes Since Birth' - Apostle Arome Osayi Reveals (Video)

‘I Have Never Closed My Eyes Since Birth’ – Apostle Arome Osayi Reveals (Video)

The Anointed Revivalist and Televangelist making waves globally and the Presiding Pastor Of the Remnant Church, Apostle Arome Osayi made a shocking revelation about the reason for his look. In the video he narrated his ordeal with the sickness he was diagnosed with since birth. Wathe The shocking revelation below

The pastor revealed during a ministration that he suffered facial palsy right from the day he was born, and he has been unable to close his right eye ever since birth.

‘I Have Never Closed My Eyes Since Birth’ – Arome Osayi 

Facial palsy is a type of facial paralysis that results in a temporary inability to control the facial muscles on the affected side of the face. The term facial palsy generally refers to weakness of the facial muscles, mainly resulting from temporary or permanent damage to the facial nerve. This results in paralysis of the affected part of the face, which can affect the movement of the eye(s) and/or the mouth, as well as other areas.

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“I had an encounter a few days ago, that’s two days ago when we started this meeting. After the meeting, we went home and began to pray and the Lord came and told me that, “When you become 50years old, I’m going to reset your body.

If you need a new kidney, I’ll give you a new one at the age of 50. So that you will have time to live long to fulfil what I’ve called you to do.” God said all these to me in an encounter. He said at the age of 50, He will reset my body. You can have an encounter with God that can extend your life on earth.

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‘I Have Never Closed My Eyes Since Birth’ – Arome Osayi 

I’m not talking about things that money can buy, I’m talking about spiritual things. How many of you know that I’ve not closed this eye since I was born? The right one, it’s because I was born with facial palsy. The reason why I’m not using glasses today is because of something that God said.

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If the wind blows now it will enter my eye, dust enters, everything enters because due to the facial palsy, I can’t close the eye but the eye is good. The way it was when I was a child, that’s how this eye still is till now. You know what? Ask God for an encounter. I was born a stammerer, it was an encounter that I had with God that my tongue was loosed.”

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