Home Healthy Living Health Benefits of Honey To Your Body You Need To Know

Health Benefits of Honey To Your Body You Need To Know

Health Benefits of Honey To Your Body You Need To Know

Health Benefits of Honey To Your Body You Need To Know

Health Benefits of Honey To Your Body You Need To Know

Do you know that Since ancient times, honey has been used as both food and medicine? It’s very high in beneficial plant compounds and offers several health benefits. Honey is particularly healthy when used instead of refined sugar, which is 100% empty calories…keep calm, here we wanna shed more light about the health benefits of honey To Your Body You Need to Know

on this page, we will deliberate about (medicinal value of honey, medicinal uses of honey, health benefits of raw honey, health benefits of honey and cinnamon, benefits of honey on skin, benefits of honey in the morning, benefits of honey and milk, uses for honey)…and lots more.

How is Honey Made? Did you know that it takes about 60,000 bees, collectively travelling up to 55,000 miles and visiting more than 2 million flowers, to gather enough nectar to make one pound of honey? Once the nectar is gathered, the bee stores it in its extra stomach where it mixes with enzymes, and then passes it to another bee’s mouth, via regurgitation. This process is repeated until the nectar becomes partially digested and is then deposited into a honeycomb. Then the honey bees fan the liquid nectar with their wings, helping the water to evaporate and create the thick substance you know as ‘honey’.

here are the Health Benefits of Honey To Your Body

1. Natural Energy Booster

Noticed how a sugar high leads to a rapid energy crash and burn more often than not? It’s time to ditch the energy drinks and forget your coffee fix. Use honey instead of sugars and sweeteners in your tea, baked goodies or spread to it on a hot toast. Its natural sugars even prevent fatigue during exercise, so it is also good for improving athletic performance.

The glucose in honey is absorbed by the body quickly, giving an immediate energy boost, while the fructose provides sustained energy since it is absorbed more slowly. Honey has also been found to keep levels of blood sugar fairly constant in comparison to other types of sugar.

2. Treats Cough

just two teaspoons of honey can help cure a persistent cough. Thanks to its antimicrobial properties, honey not only soothes the throat but also kills certain bacteria which cause the infection. If you don’t wish to eat honey straight up, you can add honey to warm water.

3. Improves Sleep

Do you lie awake all night staring at the ceiling, tossing and turning? Use the famous milk and honey remedy to fall asleep quickly. All you need to do is add a teaspoon of honey to a glass of hot milk. Honey releases serotonin (a neurotransmitter that improves your mood), and “the body converts serotonin into melatonin (a chemical compound that regulates the length and quality of sleep”. You can also add a teaspoon (or two) of honey to a cup of chamomile tea if you’d prefer.

4. Treats Wounds And Burns

Honey is made up of mostly glucose and fructose that absorb water if applied to wounds. It helps promote healing, making it a natural first-aid cure for wounds, burns and cuts. Honey’s antiseptic properties inhibit the growth of certain bacteria and help keep external wounds free from infection.

It helps reduce swelling, pain and even scarring as it works as an anti-inflammatory as well.

5. Honey for Immunity

Honey’s antioxidant and antibacterial properties help improve the digestive system and boost immunity. It is also a powerhouse of antioxidants, which are very effective for the removal of free radicals from the body. “Start your day by adding a spoonful of honey and lemon juice (from half a lemon) to a cup of warm water. Drink this cleansing tonic before breakfast to reap the benefits”, says Delhi-based Nutritionist Anshul Jaibharat.

Health Benefits of Honey To Your Body

6. Cures Hangover

Just a few tablespoons of honey will help speed up your body’s metabolism and help you combat that hangover since fructose helps speed up the oxidation of alcohol by the liver.  taking honey orally can, “increase the body’s ability to metabolise alcohol, thereby limiting intoxication and more rapidly reducing alcohol blood levels.”

7. Prevents Heart Diseases

“Consumption of natural honey increases polyphonic antioxidants in the blood which helps prevent heart diseases”, It can also help lower cholesterol levels.

8. Honey for Weight Loss

It is believed that drinking warm water with honey and a splash of lime first thing in the morning is an effective anti-cellulite treatment, as it helps to increase body metabolism. But with 64 calories per tablespoon.

Health Benefits of Honey To Your Body

honey helps control your appetite. If you consume honey before bed, the body begins to burn more fat during those early hours of sleep. You can even take a step further and replace all refined sugar in your diet with honey in order to rebalance the brain signal that compels you to consume more sweet stuff.

9. Honey for Fabulous Skin

Honey is a fantastic moisturiser and works wonders on patches of dry skin. You can use it to soften up your knees and elbows, even chapped lips. During the cold winter months, just rub some honey onto your face and wash off after 30 minutes. You can even create a moisturising scrub – all you need to do is add some sugar and voila! It works as a natural exfoliator. Give your skin the benefit of honey’s powerful antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and ultra-moisturising properties.

10. Treats Dandruff

honey can bring temporary relief to the scalp by targeting dandruff. The study found that applying honey diluted with 10 per cent warm water to problem areas and leaving it on for three hours before rinsing, led to itch relief and no scaling within a week. Skin lesions healed within two weeks and patients even showed an improvement in hair loss.

11. Honey for Silky Hair

Honey acts as a natural agent for moisturizing hair and cleansing the scalp, leaving you with silk smoothy hair without stripping away any natural oils. Add a teaspoonful of honey to your usual shampoo or mix with olive oil for a deep conditioning treatment for 20 minutes, before washing your hair with shampoo.
Note: Consumption of honey is safe for older kids and adults, but for infants, it is recommended to wait until at least one year of age.

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