Home News Pope Francis Approves Same-sex Marriage Blessing For Catholics

Pope Francis Approves Same-sex Marriage Blessing For Catholics

Pope Francis Approves Same-sex Marriage Blessing For Catholics
Pope Francis Approves Same-sex Marriage Blessing For Catholics

Pope Francis Approves Same-sex Marriage Blessing For Catholics

What appears to be shocking but true is the major turning point for the LGBTQ+ community in the Roman Catholic Church. Pope Francis has approved same-sex marriage blessings across all catholic churches.

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According to the BBC, the leader of the Roman Catholic Church said that priests should occasionally be permitted to bless same-sex and “irregular” couples.

Blessings, the Vatican has stressed, should neither be connected to marriage or civil unions nor should they be a part of regular Church celebrations.

It further stated that it still sees marriage as a union of a man and a woman.

A Vatican document outlining the move was approved by Pope Francis on Monday.

The Vatican noted that although the statement says that priests must decide each case individually, it should be an indication that “God welcomes all.”

Pope Francis Approves Same-sex Marriage Blessing For Catholics

The prefect of the Church, Cardinal Víctor Manuel Fernández, made it plain in his introduction to the document that same-sex couples do not receive formal recognition inside the Catholic Church as a result of the amended perspective.

The statement is a change in voice, but it doesn’t change its position. The Pope stated in 2021 that priests are not allowed to bless same-sex unions due to the idea that God is unable to “bless sin.”

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In the Catholic Church, a blessing is a prayer or petition that is usually said by a minister in which they ask God to provide favour to the person or people who are being blessed.

In October, Pope Francis hinted that he might be willing to see same-sex couples blessed by the Church.

According to the BBC, while the position of Church officials remained unclear, bishops in several countries had previously permitted priests to bless same-sex marriages.

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