Why I Respect Bishop Oyedepo – Apostle Joshua Selman Reveals

    Why I Respect Bishop Oyedepo - Apostle Joshua Selman Reveals

    Why I Respect Bishop Oyedepo – Apostle Joshua Selman Reveals

    Why I Respect Bishop Oyedepo – Apostle Joshua Selman Reveals

    Popular Nigerian Televangelist and President of Eternity Network International, Apostle Joshua Selman revealed why he respects Bishop David Oyedepo.

    Below are the words he said in the video shared online^:

    “Every massive explosion of kingdom wealth that you see today in any part of the world is a byproduct of the anointing God gave to Abraham, that’s what is spreading across.

    The power to prosper has one mission, to cause your life to become like a Garden of Eden, that on all sides you will flourish and prosper.

    A great man I respect, Bishop David Oyedepo saw this anointing working in the father of faith Kenneth Copeland, that everything he would touch prospers.

    Kenneth Copeland used to be a broke man and he began to search through the Scriptures and he collided with this power to prosper. Suddenly, he bought a piece of land and they found out that there was oil under. I can imagine the person who sold that land, he will never forgive himself till death.

    ALSO, READ Download Mp3: The Dominion Power Of Faith – Bishop David Oyedepo

    I Respect Bishop Oyedepo – Apostle Joshua Selman Reveals

    And Bishop Oyedepo said he sat down and began to search diligently, in fasting and prayer. After three days, when he found it and he shouted, “I will never be poor.” His attitude to learning is one of the reasons why I respect him so much.

    My own breakthrough started in 2007 when I had a vision and the audible voice of God.

    I heard four words, “Massive kingdom wealth transfer” and the Lord began to speak to me about the coming wealth transfer and I got angry in my spirit.

    There is something called the power to prosper and I began to search diligently from the word of God and to follow men who through faith and patience have obtained the promise.

    And one day by the Spirit of God, I collided with a revelation that changed my life. Let me tell you something, the power to prosper has no respect for your gender or background.”

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