How I Met My Husband Late Prophet T.B. Joshua – Wife Evelyn Shares

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    How I Met My Husband Late Prophet T.B. Joshua – Wife Evelyn Shares

    How I Met My Husband Late Prophet T.B. Joshua – Wife Evelyn Shares

    While the world is still mourning the passing of the late televangelist and controversial prophet, T.B. Joshua, founder of the Synagogue Church Of All Nations (SCOAN). He passed away on June 5, 2021, just about a week to his 58th birthday. He left behind a wife and three children. His widow is the beautiful and unassuming Evelyn Joshua. Who is Evelyn Joshua? Where is she from? Where and how did she meet her late husband?

    City People’s investigation revealed that the pretty, simple and down-to-earth wife of late Prophet T.B. Joshua has been an incredible force behind the enigmatic prophet and the success story of his ministry.

    It was in 1990 that they met. She joined him long before SCOAN became the monumental and flourishing ministry that it has become today. She is believed to be the second most influential person in the ministry after her husband. She meets and counsels individuals who are unable to meet the prophet. She also preaches very occasionally in the church.

    Evelyn started school at St Emecheta Primary School in Ezi Town, Delta State, Nigeria. She was born on 17th December 1968 in Okala Okpumo, Delta State, Nigeria, to Mr and Mrs Nicholas Akabude.

    How I Met My Husband Late Prophet T.B. Joshua – Wife Evelyn Shares

    Therefore, as of June 2021, Evelyn Joshua’s age is fifty-two years old. Evelyn had a twin brother, although fate took him before time. In 1977, she relocated to Lagos and joined Orile Primary School and further went to secondary school. Upon graduating, she secured a chance to work at the Nigerian Distilleries in Ota, Ogun State.

    Her path and that of her husband met in 1990. According to the late man of God, meeting his wife was arranged by divine power, and he proposed to her on the same day he saw her.

    Evelyn was apprehensive about the unforeseen marriage proposal, although she said yes, and they were married for thirty years before the man of God’s passing on 5th June 2021. Their marriage faced a couple of challenges due to cultural differences, although the grace of God sailed them through. According to the wife in an interview granted years ago, the man of God proposed to her 45 minutes after they met. That sounds strange indeed, but it is true.

    ALSO, READ Meet The 5 Wise Men T.B Joshua Raised To Continue His Ministry (Photos)

    TB Joshua Wife Shares How she Met Her Husband

    Hear her story: “Twenty-three years ago, I visited a sister somewhere at Ikotun-Egbe, and, then they were talking about a particular man, a prophet to be precise. It was a kind of meeting to be precise. And it’s like everybody in that gathering, or at least half of the people in the room, had actually visited him.”

    “So, they were saying a lot of good things about him. I was thrilled. At the end of the whole thing, I called a sister outside and asked whether she could take me to the prophet. I didn’t ask to go there out of curiosity. I actually needed a guide at that point in time.”

    The interviewer asked if she had not told the prophet anything about herself before then, to which she said, no.

    “No, we were just looking at each other until he, at a time, wrote my name on the piece of paper. So, we started talking. He told me a lot of things about myself, both things that I knew, and those that I never knew. I was shocked. He told me about my family, about my past, my present and my future.

    TB Joshua Wife Shares How she Met Her Husband

    Altogether, we spent about 45 minutes. At the end of the whole thing, he spoke to me in Yoruba and said: ‘Joo ma binu o. Ma ro pe bi mo se nba gbogbo eniyan ti o ba wa s’odo mi soro ni eleyi o. Mi o ni ale, mi o dee fee ni ale. Sugbon, se oo fe mi? (Transliterated, this means: Please, don’t be annoyed. Don’t think this is how I talk to everyone that comes to me. I don’t have a concubine, and I don’t want to have a concubine. But can you marry me?)’

    “Just like that. It was strange, but that gives us an insight into what the Scripture says that the Spirit testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. I think that was it. That was how I met him. Some months later, I asked him why he thought it was right seeing a lady for the first time and going on to propose to her. He said he had seen me four days before that very day.”

    ALSO, READ T.B Joshua’s Wife Breaks Silence Hours After Her Husband Passed

    The marriage between Pastor TB Joshua and Evelyn Joshua gave rise to three children, two of whom have been in the limelight. According to TB Joshua’s wife, her husband has never been bothered about the gender of their children despite the attention that male children receive.

    How I Met My Husband Late Prophet T.B. Joshua – Wife Evelyn Shares

    Serah, the eldest of the three daughters, is a law graduate from the London School of Economics and is currently pursuing her PhD. She was admitted to the bar in Nigeria as a legal practitioner in December. 2015. Serah got married to a Tanzanian man in Arusha, Tanzania, in 2021.  Promise is a student at the London School of Economics pursuing international relations and politics. Promise is currently pursuing a master’s degree. The youngest of Evelyn’s children just completed her secondary education.

    The obviously shattered Evelyn mourned her husband through a post on Twitter. Her words:  “Losing a loved one is never easy; whether sudden or foreseen, it’s always heartbreaking. Grief can wreak havoc on our overall well being. That’s why it’s important to stay rooted in the Almighty. Only He can lessen our heartache and comfort us in these times. Seek refuge in Him.

    Evelyn Joshua has been supportive of her husband throughout their marriage and ministry. Despite their challenges, they have held the operations of the ministry since its formation. Meanwhile, the ministry has been pouring tribute for the deceased televangelist.

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