Home Albums Dunsin Oyekan Releases ‘The Great Commission’ Album Download

Dunsin Oyekan Releases ‘The Great Commission’ Album Download

Dunsin Oyekan Ft. Lawrence Oyor – Worthy Of My Praise
Dunsin Oyekan Ft. Lawrence Oyor – Worthy Of My Praise

Dunsin Oyekan Releases ‘The Great Commission’ Album Download

The Eagle as he is fondly called DUNSIN OYEKAN  has released his 6th studio album and it is available on all media stores for download and streaming. This album is already a blessing as most songs that make up the album have already been aired and released blessing lives all over the globe.

The album art depicts a sickle of harvest in a fruitful field which is why the name The Great Commission. The harvest is ripe but the labourers are few – Matthew 9 36-38

36 When He saw the crowds, He was moved with compassion for them, because they were harassed and helpless, like sheep without a shepherd. 37 Then He said to His disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. 38 Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest.”


The Great Commission By Dunsin Oyekan is a 14-track album with powerful songs like Ogo, Undignified, The Future, Emperor of the Universe and much more.  In this project, he featured great ministers such as Nathaniel Bassey, Theophilus Sunday, Naomi Raine, Lawrence Oyor, Sheldon Bangera, and many more


‘The Great Commission’ Album By Dunsin Oyekan





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