Home Prayer Points How To Join Our Weekday Prayers On WhatsApp.

How To Join Our Weekday Prayers On WhatsApp.

How To Join Our Weekday Prayers On WhatsApp.
How To Join Our Weekday Prayers On WhatsApp.

How To Join Our Weekday Prayers On WhatsApp.

How To Join Our Weekday Prayers On WhatsApp.

Social media and the internet are filled with a lot of morally and spiritually bankrupt content that can affect the mental and spiritual state of a believer. The world is degrading fast in morals and virtues and this is because the enemy is fighting hard to make it difficult for people to be saved and receive salvation. However, as intercessors, we have started a prayer chain that will stand in the gap and pray for souls. It is a 20-minute prayer chain from Monday to Friday by 11 PM PROMPT on WhatsApp.

This prayer chain is on WhatsApp and it is easy to join as stated below;

How To Join Our Weekday Prayers On WhatsApp

  1. Make sure you have a WhatsApp account
  2. Click the link to join the WhatsApp group  CLICK HERE TO JOIN THE GROUP
  3. Mute Your Microphones When Prayer is ongoing if you are in a Noisy environment.
  4. After the prayers, you can exit the chat.
  5. The addition of new members is open to all members of the group.


What We Pray For

  1. Revival Fire for Kingdom advancements, Kingdom service and Kingdom Mandate We are taking dominion over the forces that are taking the hearts of many away from Jesus Christ, the Way The Truth and The Life – John 14;6
  2. We are sending forth reaper angels (Matt. 9;37-38) into our harvest field to draft in souls via encounters, Interventions, evangelism, testimonies and so on by all means winning all 1 Cor 9;21-23
  3.  We are interceding for the land, our nations, our continent and the world destroying every satanic agenda against the body from within and without.

Why We Pray in Tongues

It’s an exercise of faith Jude 1:19-21 (19 These are the ones who cause divisions, who are worldly and devoid of the Spirit. 20But you, beloved, by building yourselves up in your most holy faith and praying in the Holy Spirit, 21keep yourselves in the love of God as you await the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ to bring you eternal life) WATCH THIS VIDEO FOR MORE INSIGHT

An efficient way of praying for things in thoughts and beyond imagination. When it comes to mysteries, praying in tongues addresses it for we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Holy Spirit knows all things. When you pray in tongues you cannot pray amis that is simply the meaning (James 4;3);

For example, When you pray for a promotion that is what your mind could think of as a necessity to get better pay or benefits, if that is God’s will then you’re in order but what if God wants you to leave the office and you love your place of employment. So when you pray in understanding you also pray in spirit which also means LORD LET YOUR WILL BE DONE

What If I Can’t Pray In Tongues?

Pray with scriptures listed on each point, Pray with the word of God. As you thirst for it He will pour out His spirit on you. Jer. 29;13 ( 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart).


Why Do We Pray At Night?

Anytime is a good time to PRAY, Pray without season. Intercession *Luke 18; 1 Thes. 5:17. When it comes to Night hours there are dimensions
1. Calmness and Swift connectivity. Just like it happens with mobile networks, activities tend to lessen as men begin to sleep and relax so finding time.in the night helps secure your day. (However, This is relative to individuals, some have a quieter morning than night)

2. Jesus Christ prayed fervently during the night hours and gave thanks during the day Luke 16;12, Matt. 26;40 Acts 16;25, Mighty miracles by morning hours were a product of fervent prayers. If you work at night then you can pray during the day. Most Morning prayers we have around now are products of Night intercessions before the event begins.

Why 20 Minutes?

20 minutes for a start, we believe people don’t begin to pray for an hour on their first night. A consistent prayer life is far more productive than an elongated one of prayer style. So with time, we will extend the time to 25, 30 and 1hr as God gives us grace.

The Group is open to New members, Members can add ok there members.

With Time we can incorporate other media platforms, By the Help of God!!

These Are Social Platforms Youths Spend Most of their Time.

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