TB Joshua’s Elder Sister Sends A Strong Message To All Pastors And Believers

    TB Joshua’s Elder Sister Sends A Strong Message To All Pastors And Believers

    TB Joshua’s Elder Sister Sends A Strong Message To All Pastors And Believers

    TB Joshua’s Elder Sister Sends A Strong Message To All Pastors And Believers

    After the death of Prophet TB Joshua, a popular Nigerian television evangelist and founder of the Synagogue Church of All Nation, there have been numerous speculations about his source of power. Particularly, among pastors, about whether or not the late prophet was a genuine servant of God. Other people insisted that he was a genuine man of God and that he had never been deceived.

    Here is What TB Joshua’s Elder Sister Has To Say About The Whole Issue

    This morning, I’d like to speak to some issues that have been circulating on the internet, particularly from men of God, in response to the death of Prophet TB Joshua, and I’d like to address them.

    ALSO, READ Meet Late TB Joshua’s Parents And His Tribute To Their Death

    An online debate is currently raging about prophet TB Joshua, including whether or not he was a fake man, a good man, a nice man, and other such questions.

    She said that no one is qualified to determine whether the late prophet was a fake or a genuine figure.

    “I just want to remind you of something that the Bible says in the book of Mathew, which talks about judging one another so that you will not be judged yourself.” As God’s children, we don’t require any of these things. We don’t have to pass judgment on one another. God did not ask you to pass judgment on another person.

    A number of pastors have given me the impression that there is another heaven or that there is another god somewhere else. However, there is only one God, and there is no one else apart from him. Let’s pretend someone isn’t doing their job properly or is doing something incorrectly. No one should be in a position to say, “I judge you.” No one.

    ALSO, READ TB Joshua’s First Daughter Gives Birth To A Son On The Late Prophet’s Birthday (June 12)

    TB Joshua’s Elder Sister Sends A Strong Message To All Pastors

    This individual is no longer alive. Take him for granted as a phoney man of God. What was it that God expected us to do? God desires that we treat others with respect.

    Did you ever pay him a visit or call him to tell him the truth when he was still alive? Did you tell him that he needed to repent?

    During the lifetime of Jesus Christ. He identified himself with the sinners and even ate with them.

    There was a time when Pastor Chris Oyekhilome paid a visit to TB Joshua and people were expressing displeasure with him.

    It is not the purpose of this message to judge whether he was a good man or not. I’m advising Christians to conduct ourselves properly.


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