TB Joshua’s First Daughter Gives Birth To A Son On The Late Prophet’s Birthday (June 12)

    TB Joshua’s First Daughter Gives Birth To A Son On The Late Prophet’s Birthday (June 12)

    TB Joshua’s First Daughter Gives Birth To A Son On The Late Prophet’s Birthday (June 12)

    TB Joshua’s First Daughter Gives Birth To A Son On The Late Prophet’s Birthday (June 12)

    SHOCKING: Prophet TB Joshua’s daughter gives birth to a son on the prophets Birthday

    “There is time for everything, a time to be born and a time to die” Ecclesiastes:3. This was Prophet TB Joshua’s last message before his demise and indeed, this scenario is the perfect picture of what it truly meant.

    God’s ways are indeed not our ways neither are His thoughts are our thoughts and this is true, beyond man’s comprehension. Sarah, the first daughter of the just deceased Prophet TB Joshua gives birth on the same day meant to be her father’s posthumous birthday.

    ALSO, READ Meet Late TB Joshua’s Parents And His Tribute To Their Death

    Coincidence? No one can tell.
    God’s strategy? Definitely.

    If there be one thing that’d bring at least, smile to the face of the Joshuas, it is this good news of comfort.

    We earnestly pray the Lord keeps the boy and make him grow in the knowledge of God. Amen.

    Congratulations to the Joshuas’ family

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