Home Verse Of The Day Verse Of The Day – LEND UNTO GOD || Sunday 11 June...

Verse Of The Day – LEND UNTO GOD || Sunday 11 June 2023

Verse Of The Day - LEND UNTO THE GOD || Sunday 11 June 2023
Verse Of The Day - LEND UNTO THE GOD || Sunday 11 June 2023

Verse Of The Day: Proverbs 19:17: 

Whoever is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward them for what they have done. (KJV)


God operates a banking system similar to what is practised in the secular world. One of the services a bank offers is the provision of loans.

This is a system where you present a collateral and money is given to you over a specific period of time on which you will need to repay with interest.

God’s banking system, he is not the one that loans to us, rather he gives us the opportunity to loan to him and he repays us with interest. Once you understand this financial principle and you begin to work it, you will ensure a steady supply of finances for yourself.

This secret is found in the book of Proverbs and also in other books of the Bible. It was practised by Christ, given as an Instruction by the Apostle Paul, and revealed to us in the book of Proverbs by King Solomon one of the wealthiest men that ever lived.

Verse Of The Day – LEND UNTO GOD || Sunday 11 June 2023

He said “He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will he pay him again” Proverbs 19:17″. When you pity the poor by giving to them the Bible says that it is a loan you are giving unto God and God will repay you what you have given. In the letter to the Romans, Paul tells us that God is no man’s debtor; therefore you can be sure that when you need the money God will definitely show up.

Jesus Christ operated this principle and he walked in supernatural provision. During the last supper when he whispered something to Judas, the other disciples thought he told him to take some money and go give to some needy people.

We also see that when the woman with the Alabaster box broke it and anointed Jesus in advance of his burial, Judas complained that it was a waste of money, the perfume could have been sold and the money given to the poor. Jn 12:1-8 To which Jesus replied, The poor you will always have with you what he meant was that the opportunity given to the poor provides will always be available, but this one of anointing me before my burial will not always be available.

Verse Of The Day –  Sunday 11 June 2023

This opportunity is always available because there will always be poor people around; the beggars on the streets, your neighbours in want, people from your village who are underprivileged, or fellow members of the body of Christ. Everywhere you look you will find somebody that you are doing better than. Your eyes must be opened to see it as an opportunity to loan money to God which he will return to you with interest.


The beauty of it all is that you can start with as little as you have and as God begins to make repayments you can increase your giving and also increase what he is repaying. From today anytime you see a poor person, understand that he or she is an opportunity to loan to God and receive back with interest.

Beloved the speed at which you apply this principle will determine the speed at which God will begin to make repayments. Don’t waste time act immediately and as a wise kingdom investor, giving to the poor as a loan unto God I decree and I declare that God has made you a certified distributor of kingdom wealth in Jesus Mighty Name… Amen



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