Home Articles Top 10 Parental Nuggets For Proper Child Raising 2023

Top 10 Parental Nuggets For Proper Child Raising 2023

Top 10 Parental Nuggets For Proper Child Raising 2021

Top 10 Parental Nuggets For Proper Child Raising 2023

Top 10 Parental Nuggets For Proper Child Raising 2023

As we celebrate Children’s Day all over the world it’s a reminder of what a joy it is to have our future right before our eyes. Children are a heritage from the Lord (PS 127:3), and happy is a man that has his quiver full of them. (PS 127:5). Every child comes into this world as a responsibility to the parent. The moment that child is born, you have a responsibility to make the best out of Him/her.

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In this article, I would share the top 10 tips on raising a proper child. As you read further and find any key point you want to comment on, please scroll down and make a comment about it. Here we go:

Top 10 Parental Nuggets For Proper Child Raising 2023

1 Don’t make flimsy excuses for the incompetencies of your children in their presence. When they fail show them that failure is not the destination but only a distraction on the road to success. Success is a journey and those who succeed do so against all odds. Breed children that will be ready to take up challenges and not give up.  Even if they fail, they keep trying.

Don’t raise children that give up on everything that seems difficult because you always make excuses for them when they fail.

  1. Don’t attack a guardian or a teacher that corrects your child when the child is present. You will raise a child that will attack your correction in the future. If the teacher took it too far, call them to a corner and still discipline your child at home because there must be a reason for that response. If you over pamper their childhood they will frustrate your old age. When you love them discipline them 
  1. Don’t give them everything they request all the time. These children never know the cost of earning a living or the value of paying a price to get it. If you must give, attach a task or an assignment to it either way it’s a win-win situation as you are raising a child that is ready to do the required for the desired. Tell them to be the best in the class and you will fulfil their desire when they keep their side of the deal and so you should do too

    Top 10 Parental Nuggets For Proper Child Raising 2023

  1. Never compare them with their peers. Every Child is unique find the uniqueness of your child and groom it. When you always compare them it could lead to extreme measures trying to impress you or stay away from you ( exile or suicide). Whatever your child is not getting that the peer is getting find out what that peer is doing and what their parents are doing too to support. Then, you can do so for your child at home and replicate the same result.
  1. At a tender age, they are like mixed cement, malleable, ready and easy to mould as they grow older they become hardened and brick. You are a Potter don’t allow the world to mould them under your watch because if you don’t mould them someone would and bet you it would not be good. Start shaping them into Greatness and instil the mindset of an Achiever and a goal-getter so that they would find relevance in their place of endeavour

    Top 10 Parental Nuggets For Proper Child Raising 2023

  1. You are the first mentor and model of that child. Whatever they see you do they emulate. An apple doesn’t fall far from a tree they say. Keep your bad habits away from your children they learn fast and become better at what they learn. Don’t transfer a Bad legacy 
  1. No child is the same, they all have their uniqueness. Learn to find out their strength and passion, support them to achieve their dreams and if you have a dream for them don’t impose it on them. Bring it as a sidekick just to let them know what you love them to do too. But you will always support what they want. In the long run, many children that have this upbringing often end up chasing their father’s vision. No child with the full support of the parent fails in life. But when you want to impose it they will still go for what they love doing eventually
  1. Surprise them more often don’t always wait for holidays to have fun. Take them out more often and make them happy and excited this way they adore you as a parent. They are always excited when you’re around because they are expecting surprises ….

    Top 10 Parental Nuggets For Proper Child Raising 2023

  1. Talk to them, answer their questions, learn their slang or peer words, meet their friends and parents, meet their teachers learn their game, watch their cartoons, sensor it. Don’t be an absentee parent and leave your children to chance. Be their friend and gossip mate. This way even to the minutest event when you’re away the child will tell you because you are His/her friend.  
  1. Teach them to pray …. Prayer is a Master key, teach the children the importance of faith in God and let them know life from the dimension of faith.  Job prayed for his family and was the wall around them but when God removed the wall his children were vulnerable because they never prayed.   And it was so, when the days of their feasting were gone about, that Job sent and sanctified them, and rose up early in the morning, and offered burnt offerings according to the number of them all: for Job said, It may be that my sons have sinned, and cursed God in their hearts. Thus did Job continually. (JOB 1:5) Job prayed on their behalf…. Time would come when you the parent would need a helping hand in the place of prayer. What happens when your children can’t stand in the gap. Build Giants that will terrify the kingdom of Darkness and see your old age enjoy res Roundabout …..

Help in making the world ahead of us a better place by raising Godly and proper children. We can predict the future of a nation by the quality of children present today.


Thanks For Reading……


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