Home Articles A Summary About Your Life – Harrison Avukpere

A Summary About Your Life – Harrison Avukpere

A Summary About Your Life - Harrison Avukpere

A Summary About Your Life – Harrison Avukpere

A Summary About Your Life – Harrison Avukpere

Now let me tell you something you need to know. Please pay careful attention. Because once you know this, it makes your journey in life easier.
Everyone on earth is on a journey to the destination they are called to. My destination and yours might not be the same so our journey experiences would certainly differ. And in this journey, you’ll be presented with 5 things.
Everyone is given these 5 things. So this is yours.

A Summary About Your Life

1. You’ll be presented first with A BODY which would be your transport all through your life in this journey. Once you lose your body or it dies, you’ve eventually terminated your journey. Your body is your vehicle. You may love it, hate it, accept it or reject it. It is the only one you’ll receive in this lifetime. So the earlier you accept it, respect it, train it, care for it, honour it, the better for you bcos that’s your vehicle here on earth. Once it’s affected, your mission might be aborted.
ALSO, READ: Be Your Own Super Hero – Harrison Avrukpere
2. Life will present you with lessons to learn from. O yes! And these lessons would be specific to you based on the kind of destination you’re called to. So don’t even bother comparing your life’s challenges with others because their journey might be different from yours. Life will constantly bring you face to face with challenges and events for you to learn the lessons required for the stage of the journey you’re in.
You may decide to learn these lessons or ignore them but the truth of it is that the lessons will reappear on your journey in life until you’ve learnt them else your life would be in circles as you try to ignore them.
In every pain you feel, there’s a lesson to be learnt. In every joy you feel, there’s a lesson to be learnt. Where you are now in your journey, the work you do, where you live, etc… there’s an accompany lesson life has brought with it. Be sensitive to learn them. And there are no mistakes, no coincidences in life. All events are given to us to learn from.

A Summary About Your Life

3. You’ll be presented with Gifts, Talents or Abilities. These gifts and abilities will be unique to you based on your kind of destination you’re called to. They’ll help you to recognize your own journey and its uniqueness. It will help you to survive and make you attract helpers on your way. If you can recognize these gifts, talents or abilities quickly and develop them, the easier your journey becomes because these abilities are your tools.
But you may struggle if you can’t recognize them early. So the earlier you look within, the better. And mind you everyone has been given a gift depending on their own nature of the journey. No one is left out.
4. You’ll be given the freedom to make your own choices and decisions. Whatever the decision you make, you’ll live its outcome.
So it is advisable to gain knowledge which would help the quality of your choice and decision making early in life.
There’s no wrong choice or decision. Whatever you choose and decide for your life is right. you’ll live its outcome until you understand better.

A Summary About Your Life

5. You’ll be given answers to all your questions. All the answers you’ll need in life is all inside of you. You have been given the answers to all your questions on this journey.
All you need to do is to look, listen and trust.
We have been given spiritual DNA to connect with our supreme being.
Also, instinct, intuition and your inner voice are there to guide you through this journey to provide the answers you need. Learn to walk with them and train yourself to be sensitive to them and trust them.
They have been given to you.
So friends, in this journey you’ve been presented with all these. Be aware of them and use them well.
I wish you well.

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