Home Audio Messages All Apostle Israel Ogeneogaga Obi Messages (Till Date)

All Apostle Israel Ogeneogaga Obi Messages (Till Date)

All Apostle Israel Ogeneogaga Obi Messages (Till Date)
All Apostle Israel Ogeneogaga Obi Messages (Till Date)

All Apostle Israel Ogeneogaga Obi Messages (Till Date) || Download MP3 & ZIP

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ABOUT Apostle Israel Ogeneogaga Obi’s Life & Ministry

As it is written, out of the mouth of babes and sucklings hast thou ordained strength… So is the case of God’s Steward, Apostle Israel Ogeneogaga Obi.

Apostle Israel Obi is widely known as a revelational teacher of the word backed by the power of the Holy Spirit to set men ablaze for Kingdom growth and relevance in our time.

He is one of the young rising ministers.
His teachings are timely, with depth and balance to build the body of Christ into perfection.

He began his ministerial journey as a 20-year-old undergraduate student of the University of Abuja. Holding interdenominational open-air crusades, and youth meetings, volunteering to serve under senior ministers and as an itinerant preacher.

He is currently the presiding Steward over the Kingdom Affairs International Network Mission.


Apostle Israel Ogeneogaga Obi Ministry 

The Host of EKKLESIA EXPERIENCE a weekly apostolic and prophetic convergence of the body of Christ and non-believers to encounter God, get empowered and enlarged by the Spirit of Light.

Focused at building the body into a higher spiritual relationship with God, Mental transformation, finance/economic capacity, relationship/community lifestyle and territorial Impact/Influence.

ALSO, READ Download Mp3 | Israel & New Breed – Blessing & Honor (Audio + Lyrics)

The Ministry is currently based in Abuja and holds every Friday evening with the opportunity for online Worshippers to join in via their media channel.

Ekklesia has recorded several amazing testimonies of lives being transformed, healings, deliverances, impartation and diverse signs and wonders.

Jesus is being EXALTED and GLORIFIED.

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