Home Christian Life Characteristics Of A Genuine Pastor

Characteristics Of A Genuine Pastor

Characteristics Of A Genuine Pastor

Characteristics Of A Genuine Pastor

Characteristics Of A Genuine Pastor

How To Know A True Pastor 

Finding a genuine pastor is quite a thing for some people these days. A lot of people have given up on the quest to finding true servants of God that they can believe. Some say they are all liars, fake and fraud. But the truth is there are countless genuine servants of God around only that you have been looking wrongly.

ALSO, READ  How To Know A Good Church |10 Characteristics

The testimony of men of God being fake on the lips of people is a result of some foul experiences. Some men just parade themselves as pastors and have no iota of Godliness in them. They insult the integrity of that status and make people talk down about men of God.

The Characteristics Of A Genuine Pastor
Characteristics Of A Genuine Pastor

The fact that there are many shenanigans parading themselves as being called by God, doesn’t tamper with the truth that Many are called by God.

In this article, I would be talking about the characteristics and attributes of a Genuine Pastor or Man of God.

Ok, would use the word PASTOR Chronologically to define and describe these attributes.

JEREMIAH 3:15 And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding.

These Are The Attributes Of A True Pastor Below

 P – Prayer Warrior / Passionate / Purpose Driven

  • Prayer Warrior: A genuine pastor is a prayer warrior. A voracious prayer warrior at that. Jesus Christ Prayed more than his disciples. A true man of God never jokes with his prayer altar for that is where he draws strength. The altar must continually burn, the light must not be put out.  For the work to work in his hands he must pray ceaselessly and effortlessly. A true pastor starts and ends with prayer just as Jesus did.

Characteristics Of A Genuine Pastor


  • Passionate: You see the fire in his eyes to make it work. You see the passion to fulfil the mandate even from their lowest state till when they have gotten full expression of the grace of God upon them. A true man of God is not easily discouraged they keep the fire burning even when the result is not as it should be. They press toward the mark of the higher calling in Christ Jesus.
  • Purpose Driven: Their passion makes them set a target to fulfil their Purpose. They are driven with that fire to make the call of God over them come to full expression. They stay in their lane and are not easily swayed by the noise of distraction around them. Their vision and mission drive them till the end.

 A – Anointed / Accountable / Accessible 

  • Anointed: Well the anointing is the key to even begin the journey in the first place. This anointing must be evident in their lives. God doesn’t call a man that he didn’t or wouldn’t anoint. Not necessarily with oil, they are some cases such as Bezalel before the oil came upon him he was anointed. Anointing is divine enabling grace upon a man or woman to carry out an assignment beyond the ordinary calculations and assumptions.

A true man of God would have the evidence of his anointing in the works of his hands and ministry.  Anointing differentiates a professor from a prophet. The anointing is the evident display of power, excellence, grace in the works of his hands.

ALSO, DOWNLOAD The Evidence Of Genuine Intimacy With God – Apostle Joshua Selman [Audio MP3]

  • Accountable: Unto God, fathers, and the rule of law. A true pastor has someone who he listens to. Someone who cautions him and he received counsel from. A true pastor is not a Lord of his own. Genuine men of God have father’s that they submit to and receive guidance from.
  • Accessible: He is friendly and relatable. Sometimes as they become big it becomes impossible to access them. Yes, it comes with growth but let protocol be the reason you can’t always see them and not their attitude. A true pastor is a friend that you can run to when in need of counsel or prayers. If for the sake of their popularity protocols have to be followed or traffic controlled. If you access them their attitude should be receptive and make you feel loved and welcomed.

S – Sound Mind / Spiritual / Sense Of Humour 

  • Sound Mind: Highly coordinated, cerebral, a craving for proper organization of things and events. When you speak to a pastor you should feel a stable mind and a mind of excellence and balance. True men of God carry an aura for excellence and they are vast in knowledge. The Holy Spirit is a great teacher.
  • Spiritual: Spiritually inclined always. he is a man of the Spirit. Pastoring is a spiritual work and the more spiritual engagements and exercise the more supernatural manifestation.
  • Sense of Humour: A good sense of humour is an added advantage to keep your audience alive. They have stories and jokes that put smiles every now and then on to those around them. Joy is evidence of the presence of the Holy spirit
The Basic Characteristics Of A Genuine Pastor
Characteristics Of A Genuine Pastor

T – Teacher/Tutor/Trainer

  • Teacher/Tutor/Trainer: He must be a teacher of the word. A tutor of life lessons and a trainer to disciples. A good pastor is a teacher, a good teacher at that. A life coach, marriage coach, career coach counsellor and so on. A good pastor always has something to tell you that will help you in life. They train you and that includes discipline and correction. They are not afraid of how you will feel but they want what’s best for you

O – Orator/ Overseer

  • Orator: He can speak and that’s his strong point. If you can’t speak well you cannot preach effectively. The Bible says faith comes by hearing, so what would be heard from someone who doesn’t speak.  Good pastors are orators not necessarily of excellent speech and eloquence but they can speak well to get attention. They are bold and convincing speakers.
  • Overseer: They are aware of what happens around them. They don’t turn a blind eye to things. They address issues around them and take action. Possess an eagle eye and sees the unseen to a large extent and know what to do per time. They are not void of solutions to problems in their sphere of influence.


The Basic Characteristics Of A Genuine Pastor

R – Reliable/ Responsible/ Resourceful/Reputable

  • Reliable: A Good pastors word should be tried with fire and still come out pure. Not of a lying tongue, a twisted tongue, but worthy to believe. Dependable and does not reveal what is said in the secret to the public. A pastor should respect privacy and not abuse the privilege by bringing the secrets of members to the pulpit.
  • Responsible: A Good pastor is highly responsible as he is not living for himself but for others. Responsible within, and without any blemish. Also, he is responsible for the fails and successes of the commission. Not looking for whom to pass the blame on but take due responsibility. Of good conduct, at home, work with an excellent report outside the church premises.
  • Resourceful: A reader, a researcher, a good pastor must have an affinity for study. Study to show yourself approved.  A good pastor must be resourceful, up to date, and informed.
  • Reputable: Maintain an admirable reputation. Keep the sheets clean, with no shady deals or practices. Let everything messy be in the past and not anymore.  The past is allowed to be messy, your message is there but not the present. No funny dealings, affairs and suspecting moves.

The Basic Characteristics Of A Genuine Pastor

Are these Characteristics in your pastor, if yes you have a great pastor  If not …………………


Accept Jesus Christ today and secure a life of eternal rest and Glory …

Say this 1 Minute Prayer 

Lord Jesus, I believe you died for my sins, Forgive me of all my iniquities. I accept you as my Lord and Saviour from today and forevermore. Come and Be the Lord of my life and I am willing to obey your command and live according to your will as you help me, Thank you for accepting me into your fold. AMEN

JOHN 3: 3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God,

Thanks for reading …..   

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