Home Articles How A Believer Can Fulfil Destiny’s Assignment – The Journey

How A Believer Can Fulfil Destiny’s Assignment – The Journey

How A Believer Can Fulfil Destiny's Assignment - The Journey

How A Believer Can Fulfil Destiny’s Assignment – The Journey

How A Believer Can Fulfil Destiny’s Assignment – The Journey

THERE is a mandate on each and every believer to do the will of God and fulfil a purpose. God said to Jeremiah “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Jer 1;5 The appointment and assignment is the reason for the formation.  That you were given an assignment before coming to this world and that is the essence of your existence to fulfil that assignment.

Every servant of God is specifically called for a purpose and this makes the assignment dynamic. God wants to express His fullness but because no man can carry all HE has to give He shares it amongst His Servants. 

In the Parable of the talents, MATT 25: 14-30, we don’t know how much talent was left with the Master. First, he gave according to their (servants) abilities, not His capacity, when he returned he never collected the profit from the servants. That proves he had more than enough to go around.

Likewisse, God can never be exhausted!! Never!! the more you know the more you don’t and if you keep knowing He keeps revealing unknowns…


How A Believer Can Fulfil Destiny’s Assignment – The Journey

The Bible says: The harvest is plenteous but the Labourers are few (MATT 9:37). This is so because people have abandoned their assignments or buried them just like the parable of the talents.  God is not a dictator, He gave mankind the will to choose what to do. He only instructs but doesn’t impose it on mankind. This is why a lot have derailed from their assignments but a day will come for all men to give account.

For those who are ready to do the will of the Father read carefully some tips on how to make that a reality. Before you read down all below tips are premised upon an effective prayer altar. It is in the place of prayer that you can get the desired results below.

  • Finding Your Place 

There is a place God has called you into, a church, a city, a department, a field, a job, an assignment. There is a place of service and you must discover it in the place of prayer and go there.  The question Where Is My Place? will be answered in the place of prayer.  Everyone ordained by God to be a Leader/Servant/Steward is taken through a journey and the process of grooming involves being in specific environments. 

God will never put you in the front without teaching you how to confront challenges. The longevity of this process is dependent on how fast and how well you learn.  There is always a place for grooming ,just as the seeds of a crop don’t grow everywhere so also the servant of God will not grow everywhere. It’s your responsibility to find your place of growing then when you do you, you will find your mentor

How A Believer Can Fulfil Destiny’s Assignment – The Journey

  • Finding Your Mentor 

Everyone God calls to serve, He sends to a school of Ministry under an already serving Priest or Pastor who will groom them. Now that priest also served under another priest who also served under another and the chain goes on and on. You don’t wake up and get to the bantle field just because you have a mantle. Even if you win, a greater war lies ahead of you that will consume you if you don’t have a back up..

ALSO, READ The Fall Of Man: Where Was Adam During The Conversation?

David fought a battle and won but went into exile for 13 years before the Title was given to Him as King. Did he kill Goliath , Yes , was he ready to be KING? NO!!! The boy remained in the Wilderness until His te of Showing. 

 No matter how Anointed you are, you need a mentor that should keep you in check and noture you till you are fit.  Note this, You don’t choose your mentor, God chooses them, because for every assignment there is a Man for the Job.

There is a pattern you are designed for and there is a man that has a template you need. Your calling is not new God has sons that are in that line and doing well he told Elijah there are many who have not bowed to Baal. 1 King 19:18

Relax, young ministers and submit to training and noturing  When you find your mentor he won’t be what you want most of the time but he would have what you need all of the time.

How A Believer Can Fulfil Destiny’s Assignment – The Journey

Samuel heard the voice of God directly and needed the Priest Eli to guide him on how to effectively communicate with God. Don’t get carried away when God speaks to you directly and think you’ve arrived, No man can comprehend the Totality of God .

Submit to Mentorship, Submit to Discipleship, have a good relationship and see Yourself at the top….

  • Starting your Journey

This is where folks miss it alot because of the hurriedness to become solo and become the head. Don’t be in a hurry to start before your appointed time, God watches time from beginning to end at the same time , You can’t put him under pressure to send you out. He would do so as soon as you’re are ready 

ALSO, READ It’s High Time You Kept Quiet: The Benefits Of Working in Silence

Don’t let the title be your motivation, let the mandate drive your motivation and that means allignig to the will of the Creator. When God wants you to step out to a greater level , He would show you and confirm to you.

 There are few things I would leave you with:

  1. Don’t leave your mentor due to crisis or a misunderstanding. Make sure God is leading you and ask for a sign or more

  2. Don’t have a Mentor you cannot reach out to in time of need . Some folks choose some revered Men of God who they don’t have access to, absolutely wrong 

  3. Your mentor is not perfect but has what you need focus on that. Samuel and Eli for example 

  4. Don’t become notable in your Field and ministry and disdane the mentor who groomed you when you could not be noticed. They are ever relevant in your Journey

  5. Don’t be in a hurry to become a mentor God will bring those who need what you have to you. Not everyone under you is your Mentee 

In conclusion, mentorship is pivotal in our Christian journey. This is not a question but a prerequisite for Ministry. Pray and let God lead you to your Place, Your Pastor and Mentor, and Purpose where you’ll find Fulfilment



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