Home Articles It’s High Time You Kept Quiet: The Benefits Of Working in Silence

It’s High Time You Kept Quiet: The Benefits Of Working in Silence

It's High Time You Kept Quiet: The Benefits Of Working in Silence

It’s High Time You Kept Quiet: The Benefits Of Working in Silence

It’s High Time You Kept Quiet: The Benefits Of Working in Silence

Good news comes with a lot of excitements and joy and this is why it’s good to the ears and hearts. It’ is described as cold water given to man coming from a long and strenuous trip. (Prov. 25:25) But. is your good news good to my ear?  Does it lift my spirit or brings it down?. Does it stir up envy, anger, hatred or jealousy??? 

Knowing this should tell. you why it’s expedient to keep quiet at some points in your life.

The truth is not everyone around you wants you to succeed, and not all around you also want you to fail.

Some don’t even want you to fail but don’t be more successful than they are

When good things are about to happen, or happening currently, learn to filter the ears that hear of it. The more you tell your friends about your joy the more the enemy knows about it.

It’s High Time You Kept Quiet

Those closest to you are the ones that have access to your dreams and visions. Why, because you feel the need to share it with them first.

ALSO, CHECK Wisdom in Planning by Pastor David Ibiyeomie

They are not just close by distance but at heart, you might not be with them physically but they know all about you and what you do because you tell them.

 They could be your family members, friends, colleagues and they are in all works of life including the church. Job 1;7 

The amount of information available to your enemy is the same amount of information you have shared with your friends 

The devil does not operate on earth without agents which are in human form. When you have a vision, the devil is not aware of it until you share it with someone or an agent. 

Are you getting promoted?

Are you getting a new job?

Are you building your house ??

Are you expecting a baby? 



It’s High Time You Kept Quiet:

Spreading such has huge consequences, you either lose it, or don’t achieve it, or don’t complete it when it falls into the wrong ears.  So for your own good Keep quiet 

If you fall in the category of people that have not experienced set back after sharing a project or an expectation or even a sure approved proposal then this is not for you.

I bet you the moment you learn to keep quiet on a lot of issues you would have lesser battles and problems to tackle  Try it,

Work in silence and see how fast you will accomplish a lot of projects and achieve a lot of goals 

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