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Names Of GOD & Meaning – (1000+) History And Biblical References | A-Z


B –

BaptizerGod the Holy Spirit—refers to God the Holy SpiritActs 1:5Matthew 3:11Mark 1:8Luke 3:16John 1:33Acts 11:16
BaraThe Creator”transliteration from Hebrew
Isaiah 40:28 NKJV
Bara’ Yisra’el The Creator of Israel—transliteration from Hebrew
Hebrewבּוֹרֵ֥א יִשְׂרָאֵ֖ל
Isaiah 43:15 KJV
The BeginningGod the Son (Jesus Christ)refers to God the Son (Jesus Christ)Colossians 1:18 KJV
The Beginning and EndAlpha and Omega—refers to Jehovah God (YHWH)Isaiah 41:444:648:12, Rev. 1:8
The Beginning of the Creation of GodGod the Son (Jesus Christ),

“the beginning of God’s creation” —ESV

—refers to God the Son (Jesus Christ)Revelation 3:14 KJV
Beloved SonOnly Begotten Son Of God—refers to God the Son (Jesus Christ)Col. 1:13-14
Blessed and Only Sovereign—refers to God the Son (Jesus Christ)1 Timothy 6:15 NASB, ESV
Blessed and Only PotentateGod the Son (Jesus Christ)refers to God the Son (Jesus Christ)1 Tim. 6:15 KJV and NKJV

A-Z Names Of God: Meaning, History And Biblical References

Blessed HopeGod the Son (Jesus Christ)refers to God the Son (Jesus Christ)Titus 2:13 KJV
The BranchGod the Son (Jesus Christ)—refers to God the Son (Jesus Christ) He will build the millennial temple, and will be the world’s glorious King and high priest, bringing peace.Zec. 6:12 KJVZec. 3:8 KJV, etc.
The Branch of RighteousnessGod the Son (Jesus Christ)—refers to God the Son (Jesus Christ)Jeremiah 33:15
The Bread of GodGod the Son (Jesus Christ)—refers to God the Son (Jesus Christ)John 6:33
The Bread of LifeGod the Son (Jesus Christ)—refers to God the Son (Jesus Christ)John 6:26-35 KJVJohn 6:47-48 KJV
The Breaker(The Deliverer)—refers to God the Son (Jesus Christ)Micah 2:13 KJV
The Bridegroom—refers to God the Son (Jesus Christ)The bride is the Church—the body of all true followers of Christ (Ephesians 5:27).Matthew 25:19:15Mark 2:19-20Luke 5:34-35John 3:28-30
The Brightness of His Glory—refers to God the Son (Jesus Christ)ESV: “He is the radiance of the glory of God”Hebrews 1:3 KJV and NKJV
The Bright Morning Star—refers to God the Son (Jesus Christ)“the bright and morning star”Rev. 22:16 KJV, NKJV,
Bucklerto All Those that Trust In Him—refers to Jehovah God (YHWH)“A Shield to All Who Trust In Him,” “A Shield to All Those Who Take Refuge In Him,” “A Shield For All Those Who Take Refuge In Him”Psalm 18:30 KJVPsa. 18:30 NKJVPsa. 18:30 NASBPsa. 18:30 ESV
Buckler to Them That Walk Uprightly—refers to Jehovah God (YHWH)
“a shield to those who walk uprightly” —NKJV
“a shield to those who walk in integrity” —NASB, ESV

By Whom All Things Were Made, Both in Heaven and On Earth

Proverbs 2:7 KJV

John 1:3Colossians 1:16; and the Nicene Creed





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