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Names Of GOD & Meaning – (1000+) History And Biblical References | A-Z


A-Z Names Of GOD: Meaning, History And Biblical References

E –


The Earnest of Our InheritanceNKJV, ESV: “the guarantee of our inheritance”
NASB: “a pledge of our inheritance”
—refers to God the Holy SpiritEphesians 1:14
Ehyeh asher ehyeh I Am that I Am” or “I AM who I AM”(transliteration from ancient Hebrew) Hebrewאהיה אשר אהיה

Modern Hebrew transliteration: Ehiyeh sh’Ehiyeh

Exodus 3:14 KJV
El or `ElGod—transliteration from Hebrew
Hebrew: אל
Genesis 14:18 NASBExodus 6:3 NASB, and numerous other verses
El Ah or ElahGod—of Aramaic origin
Hebrew: אֱלוֹהַּ
Compare: El and Eloah and Allah
Exodus 6:3 NASB, and numerous other verses
El Berith God of (the) Covenant”transliteration from HebrewJudges 9:46
El Elohe Yisrael (El-Elohe-Israel or EleloheIsrael“El, the God of Israel” or “God, the God of Israel”—refers to God AlmightyGen. 33:20
El ‘ElyonMost High God—refers to God Almighty
El GibhorThe Mighty God”—refers to The Messiah—God the Son (Jesus Christ)Isaiah 9:6
`Eloah The Everlasting God or The Eternal Godtransliteration from Hebrew
Hebrew: אלוהּ
Aramaic transliteration: Ĕlāhā
interchangeable with Elohim
Deuteronomy 32:15 NASB; Deu. 32:17 NASB; 2 Chronicles 32:15 NASBNehemiah 9:17 NASBJob 3:4 NASB and many other verses in the book of Job


Elohai or Elohei “My God” or “God ofas in Elohai Avraham—“God of Abraham”
Elohiym or Elohim or Aleim—transliterations from Hebrew
Hebrew: אלהים
Genesis 1:1Exodus 3:1, etc.
El OlamThe Everlasting God or The Eternal Godtransliteration from Hebrew
Hebrew: אלוהים הנצחי
Genesis 21:33 NOGIsaiah 40:28 NOG
Eloi (elói)He Istransliteration from Greek
Greek: Ἐλωῒ
Derived from Aramaic/Syriac: Eil or elah (transliterations)
Mark 15:34 KJV, etc.
El Roi or El-roiuncertain, but perhaps “God who sees,” “The God Who Sees Me,” “God of seeing”—refers to God AlmightyGenesis 16:13 NASBNOG
El ShaddaiGod Almightytransliteration from Hebrew
Hebrew: אל שדי‎
Genesis 17:1 NASBGen. 28:3 NASBGen. 35:11Gen. 43:14 NASBExodus 6:3 NASB; etc.
`Elyown, `Elyown, `Elohiym, `ElyonThe Most High God”—transliterations from Hebrew
Hebrew: עליון
Genesis 14:18-20 KJVGen. 14:22 KJVPsa. 78:56 NASB
Esh okhlah Consuming Fire”—transliteration from HebrewDeuteronomy 4:24 KJV
The Eternal God—refers to God AlmightyDeuteronomy 33:27Romans 1:20



The Eternal SpiritGod The Holy SpiritHebrews 9:14
The Eternal Life—refers to God the Son (Jesus Christ)John 1:1-26:40
The Eternal One—refers to God AlmightyIsaiah 41:448:12; etc.
`Even YisraelStone of Israel”transliteration from HebrewGenesis 49:24 KJV
Everlasting Father—refers to God Almighty; God The FatherIsaiah 9:6 KJV, NKJV, ESV
“Eternal Father”Isa. 9:6 NASB
Everlasting God
Hebrew transliteration: `Owlam `ElGenesis 21:33 NASB
Hebrew transliteration: `Owlam `ElohiymIsa. 40:28 NASB
Greek: Aionios TheosRomans 16:26 NASB
Genesis 21:33 NASB

Isa. 40:28 NASB

Everlasting King—refers to God; God The Father and Song (Jesus Christ)Jeremiah 10:10 KJV1 Timothy 1:16-17 KJV
The Express Image of His Person—refers to God the Son (Jesus Christ)


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