Osinachi Nwachukwu’s Death As Dr Paul Enenche Finally Speaks On The Issue

    Osinachi's Autopsy Report Is Out Police Transfers Case To DPP
    Osinachi's Autopsy Report Is Out Police Transfers Case To DPP

    Osinachi Nwachukwu’s Death As Dr Paul Enenche Finally Speaks On The Issue

    Osinachi Nwachukwu’s Death As Dr Paul Enenche Finally Speaks On The Issue

     Dr Paul Enenche Finally Speaks On The Issue: We Were Never Aware

    Contrary to public opinion that the church was aware of the situation of things in Osinachi Nwachukwu’s home, Dr Paul Enenche has come out to debunk that claim. In a RECENTLY RECORDED and circulating video, the Cleric has come out to tell His own side of the story.



    We bring you greetings in Jesus’ Name.

    We are in a season that calls for sober reflection in the light of the passing of our beloved sister, Osinachi Nwachukwu who is a kingdom and generation asset to this generation. In the light of so much misinformation and misconstruction of events, I decided to set straight what I know concerning the situation. Over two and half Months to Three Months ago, she came to see me with her husband with complaints of chest pain, and respiratory distress.

    I prayed for her and prayed and prayed again. And when the symptoms did not abate, I counselled that they go to the hospital to help us to know exactly what we were dealing with. They asked if I could help them assist facilitate that process. I called our head of the medical team, Dr Osang who is a consultant paediatrician with the Federal Medical Centre, Keffi to assist handle their situation. And he called the Federal Medical Centre, Jabi, he called colleagues there who attended to them. On seeing her, ordered some investigations after examinations and that included CT Scan (Computerized Tomography Scan).

    Osinachi Nwachukwu’s Death & Dr Paul Enenche Finally Speaks On The Issue

    That was done, and from what the Doctor saw, they said there was a need for further investigations either at the University of Abuja Teaching Hospital or the National Hospital in Abuja. I called the Doctor, consultant, A pulmonologist Respiratory Physician at the University of Abuja Teaching Hospital, Dr Akor Alexander, I told him the situation and he asked they come to see him immediately.

    And they went to the Gwagwalada Teaching Hospital. After they have examined her there and saw the situation, they felt there was a need for histology and biopsy of the Lung Tissue and they asked she goes to the National Hospital to get that done. I again called Dr Jubrin who is the head of pathology and consultant, histopathologist of the National Hospital in Abuja and reported the issue to him to help us go ahead with the investigation and find out what exactly happened.

    I am calling names and calling places because the people are available and alive and they are all verifiable. And then, they continued the management. The histology was done from what I saw at that time.

    The picture was much milder than what the CT Scan earlier on showed and so we felt very happy that at least, there was a relief. She called me literally daily and prayed with her.

    Osinachi Nwachukwu’s Death & Dr Paul Enenche Finally Speaks On The Issue

    She reported progress. A point came where she needed no oxygen anymore according to what she said to me one night. And that they checked her oxygen perfusion and it was 100% and we were very very excited at that progress. That was the point it was before we went over to the Crusade in Cameroon. It was in Cameroon the second night that I got to know of the unfortunate incidence of her passing.

    Now, if there was domestic violence that lead to or coincided with those symptoms that she came with two and half months to three months ago, there is no way I would know and if there had been perennial domestic violence, there was no way I would have known. The things we are hearing after her passing were things that were very very strange to my hearing. Then I began to ask questions.

    First, I asked the twin sister, are you are aware that your sister passed through all these things. She said yes that she knew some of them. That the majority of them she was hearing from those she confided in. I asked her, I said if you knew, why didn’t you let us know? And the twin sister said, she always begged her, please don’t let the Church know, don’t tell the pastor, please the man will change, just pray for us. That the man will change. And that continued to happen.

    Osinachi Nwachukwu’s Death & Dr Paul Enenche Finally Speaks On The Issue

    I asked the first son yesterday, I said was this real? And the son told other stories. And I said so, why didn’t you tell me because typically they will run to me after service and I will pray for them. Lay hands on them. I said, why didn’t you tell about what was going on in the home? And the young man said, they couldn’t tell me because the father would always asked them after they left me and said, what did you tell the pastor? Did you tell him anything? And so on and so forth.

    Other members in the Choir were privy to these some of the things that were going on. I asked one of them when we paid a visit to the house of the deceased yesterday. What happened, why were we not aware of all these things? The same story that she could always go on her knees and asked them please, don’t don’t, just pray, don’t, we are trusting God for him to change.

    The last one that touched me so much was the music producer, who came to see me in the office two days ago to tell me his own experience how he witnessed the man slapped his wife in his music studio. And I said to him, you saw a man slapped a woman in your presence and you left the man alone and you are a man yourself. And he said before he could respond to the man, the woman again in tears on her knees begged him not to do anything. To leave him alone. And not to do anything at all. And so on and so forth. So, we have had these stories and these are all the things we got to know after she had passed.

    Osinachi Nwachukwu’s Death & Dr Paul Enenche Finally Speaks On The Issue

    As a person and as a Church, everyone who knows us knows that we have zero degrees of tolerance for domestic abuse and wife battering of any sort. If you ever listen to any of our relationship messages, there is a principle, policy and a rule we have and that is; it is better to be alive without marriage than to die because of marriage. We’ve said that over and over. I am sure that some of us might have listened to the clips of those messages.

    Now this kind of time is the time where people heap all manner of the blame on the Church and that is typical because whatever goes wrong, the first point of call is the Church. I have seen people asked questions, why should a wife abuser be a member of the Church or how can somebody be so brutal and he is a member of the Church? That is not a question that people who know the Scriptures should ask. You know the Ark of Noah, the same Ark that carried good animals also had evil beast inside same Ark. You know Jesus Christ had followership of what the Bible called the multitudes.

    And for me, multitudes means multiple attitudes; people with multiple inclinations; people with multiple tendencies; people with multiple behaviours. Infact, one of those that followed Jesus Christ was a thief who also sold him to death; he was called Judas Iscariot. Question is, how could somebody followed Jesus Christ as perfect as Jesus was; as instructive as he was; as impactful as he was and still be a thief and a murderer? That question is left for everybody to answer.

    Osinachi Nwachukwu’s Death & Dr Paul Enenche Finally Speaks On The Issue

    And I can tell you the worst of it all; There was personality called lucifer who was in Heaven and became satan the devil under the nose of God in Heaven; a place where there was no sin and could have been no sin at all. This guy became the inventor and the originator of sin. How is it possible for somebody to become a devil from being an Archangel right inside Heaven?

    That is how possible it is for anybody to be anything while inside the Church. Even the best of pastors, teachers, preachers in the World cannot change any man or woman who is unwilling to be changed. In case you feel frustrated at anything and you are airing your frustration here and there, or a transfer of aggression or frustration, the Church is not your place for transferring frustration and aggression.

    Osinachi Nwachukwu’s Death & Dr Paul Enenche Finally Speaks On The Issue

    We are willing to help you if you have so much bitterness, so much frustration and so much distraction in your life and you don’t know where to vent it but in situations like this, we can help you. I want to let you know that we love you and Jesus loves you. It is well with you and it is well with your loved ones. For the family of the deceased, we pray for strength and help and for the Body of Christ generally, it is well with you in Jesus’ Name.
    This is Dr Pastor Paul Enenche, Senior Pastor, Dunamis International Gospel Centre,
    God bless you

    Gospel Singer Osinachi Nwachukwu’s Death

    Trending on the net for the past two days is the death and an amazing voice in gospel ministry Osinachi Nwachukwu. She came to the limelight as the female solo and singer of the Ekwueme song featuring Prospa Ochimana at Dunamis Church. 

    ALSO, READ Late Osinachi Nwachukwu’s Husband Had A Secret Wife 10 Years Before Their Union (Photos)

    After her rendition and tremendous part in this song, the singer became a household name breaking ground in the gospel space. 

    Unfortunately, on Friday, the 8th of April, 2022, the news broke of her demise. Osinachi Nwachukwu, 42 had been hospitalised for some time and the first news was dying from cancer.  This didn’t go down well as counterreactions and responses from close relatives of Late Osinachi nullified the authenticity of that information. 

    ALSO, READ Pastor Paul Enenche’s Speech During 6th Anniversary Of Gov Okowa In Delta State Government

    It was however revealed that the singer, was a victim of domestic violence in marriage. Dozens of gospel artists and celebrities who had a close relationship with the Artist confirmed that she died from this misfortune.

    Osinachi Nwachukwu’s Death & Dr Paul Enenche’s Take On Abusive Marriage

    A violent man is worse than a lazy man and much worse than a combination. Details of how the late singer complained about her ordeal to close friends and how she avoided her story from getting to the public emerged. 

    Some Celebrities and relations revealed:

    Her Counsellor 

    Her Producer SUNNY PEE

    Also, Her elder sister, Ms Favour Made a statement revealing the cause of death, as clotting of blood from her husband hitting her chest. Live Interview with Julieth Umeh. VANGUARD

    Elder sister of the late gospel music artiste who died last week on alleged cancer of the throat, Favour Made, weekend, said her sister died as a result of cluster of blood in the chest from the kicking she allegedly got from her husband, Mr Peter Nwachukwu.

    Violence in marriage is a no-no-no.!!!! RUN!!!!

    ALSO, READ Sinach Celebrates Her Birthday With Amazing Pictures

    From the details emanating on the internet, the late singer was trying to protect her marriage more than her life. The public opinion of people who are ready to drag anybody was to be considered more than her life. She decided to suffer this menace and remain in for better for worse, a painful and sad way till death took her.

    Osinachi Nwachukwu’s Death & Dr Paul Enenche’s Take On Abusive Marriage

    A decision only she and her Maker know the end of it.

    Late Osinachi and her husband , Peter Nwachukwu

    Good thing her husband has been apprehended and would face the wrath of the law for this heinous act. Prayers to the kids left behind to face this dilemma. 

    Dr Paul Enenche’s Take On Abusive Marriage

    But, another painful thing is the fact that people are dragging the Man of God, Dr Paul Enenche into this. People are quick to bounce on any opportunity to ridicule the office of servants of God, especially in this generation. If you really want to know Who a True servant of God is READ THIS POST

    In the video uploaded, He Clearly stated his beliefs and this was not made for damage control, an excerpt from a February 2021 sermon. 

    He said it’s better to be alive and not married than to die in marriage…

    In His words, 

    My counsel to anybody, if you don’t love anybody’s daughter,  instead of killing them hand back to their father…

    Divorce is not allowed under any condition, but this is what I believe.

    It is better to be alive and there is no marriage than for you to die because of marriage.

    A killer marriage is a nonsense marriage, there are people who can finish their wives or husband emotionally, psychologically,  mentally, 

    This woman is a shadow of her life, this man is not a man anymore. Hypertension, Ulcer, pressure, Arthritis, because of a useless personality in the name of a Husband….

    Although No direct or Official statement has been made yet in this regard from the DUNAMIS HQ, we will update when we get one.

    Osinachi Nwachukwu’s Death & Dr Paul Enenche’s Take On Abusive Marriage

    Pastor Paul Enenche Was Unaware Of The Situation – Daughter

    Deborah Paul Enenche Reveals that her father was not aware Of The Situation 

    Her Post On Facebook Reads:

    She wrote: “My father has always been an advocate for removing oneself from a deeply unhealthy marriage. It is spread across the fabric of his ministry the clear fact that he has always ensured the weak are protected. It is not different in this situation.

    “Everything was done to ensure the departed was removed from her situation and in lieu of that, she was cared for as much as possible. Bear in mind that there was no knowledge of the physical abuse. If such had come to light, we wouldn’t be here.“

    Furthermore, She sheds More Light

    Her post read, “I have been unable to sleep the past few days due to my fury at the untimely and avoidable exit of a generational voice. She inspired me to chase after God. I can’t express how much shock I experienced on hearing. What’s worse is that I didn’t know the actual background facts of her life as I don’t indulge in gossip or poke into other people’s lives.

    “That being said, I truly wish I had known her better. I wish I could have done more for her. I wish I had been aware of all the pain she experienced. I will do what I am able to now I know the facts.

    Osinachi Nwachukwu’s Death & Dr Paul Enenche’s Take On Abusive Marriage

    “It’s also came to my attention that many who knew her personally were not entirely privy to her situation. It’s even more disheartening to know, from an account of her twin sister, that she wouldn’t let her spiritual father be made aware of the gravity of the abuse she suffered. This, therefore, informs how I address things.

    “There is so much to be said yet so much discretion is needed. I am however not one who knows how to stay mute on issues that potentially affect me and those around me. I also have a fiscal responsibility to the young people who look up to me as well as my role in both the body of Christ and society.

    “That being said, in order to not be misconstrued. I will keep my opinions brief;

    “1. The deceased was very isolated from loved ones. Much of what happened, in the end, could have been avoided if she hadn’t been marooned from the ones who cared for her most. I believe she not only passed due to the compendium of physical hurt and pain; she died of a broken heart. I will personally do my best to ensure that the offending party in the equation is punished to the fullest extent of the law. He will not go scot-free. There will be many measures taken to also protect the children and her family as well.

    Osinachi Nwachukwu’s Death & Dr Paul Enenche’s Take On Abusive Marriage

    “2. Many are quick to jump to conclusions on things they know nothing about. The collective approximate shock we feel is not compared to that of the pain of people who have been so heavily involved both physically, financially, spiritually and even legally in trying to extricate someone from a truly nightmarish situation that could only really be absolved by the parties involved.”

    In conclusion, the covenant of life supersedes that of marriage. When it is life-threatening you go your way and stay alive.  Let’s leave the Man of God out of this, if late Osinachi didn’t want to do anything about it, there is nothing anyone would do. Stop dragging Genuine labourers of the Faith at every opportunity we get to express the frustration the economy has put many into….




    Accept Jesus Christ today and secure a life of eternal rest and Glory …

    Say this 1 Minute Prayer 

    Lord Jesus, I believe you died for my sins, Forgive me of all my iniquities. I accept you as my Lord and Saviour from today and forevermore. Come and Be the Lord of my life and I am willing to obey your command and live according to your will as you help me, Thank you for accepting me into your fold. AMEN

    JOHN 3: 3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God

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