Home News Pro-Life Supporters Sue Abortion Doctor In Attempt to Overturn Texas Heartbeat Ban

Pro-Life Supporters Sue Abortion Doctor In Attempt to Overturn Texas Heartbeat Ban

A New Poll Shows 56% of Americans Support Abortion Restrictions
A New Poll Shows 56% of Americans Support Abortion Restrictions

Pro-Life Supporters Sue Abortion Doctor In Attempt to Overturn Texas Heartbeat Ban

Pro-Life Supporters Sue Abortion Doctor In Attempt to Overturn Texas Heartbeat Ban

A Texas abortion doctor who had admitted to violating the state’s new heartbeat abortion ban was sued twice Monday in what is believed to be the first true court challenge within the confines of the law.

The plaintiffs, though, are anything but typical. According to CNN, both say they oppose the law and had filed suit only because they want a judge to overturn it, the Dallas Morning News reported.

ALSO, READ  House Will Try To Overturn Texas Abortion Ban Into Law – Pelosi

Former attorneys from Arkansas and Illinois filed the suits.

The doctor, Alan Braid, had penned a Washington Post column explaining how he violated the law by performing an abortion on Sept. 6 on a woman carrying an unborn baby with a beating heart. Braid said he had a “duty to the patient.”

ALSO, READ 25 Texas Churches Against Heartbeat Ban: Says Abortion Is A ‘Moral and Social Good’

Abortion Doctor In Attempt to Overturn Texas Heartbeat Ban Faces Charges

The Texas law, which went into effect on Sept. 1, requires doctors to test for a fetal heartbeat and prohibits an abortion if one is detected. The law gives enforcement power to private citizens in the form of lawsuits.

The law is known as the Texas Heartbeat Act.

Texas Right to Life, which supports the law, labelled the two suits “bogus.”

“Neither of these lawsuits is valid attempts to save innocent human lives,” Texas Right to Life said. “Both cases are self-serving legal stunts, abusing the cause of action created in the Texas Heartbeat Act for their own purposes. We believe Braid published his op-ed intending to attract imprudent lawsuits, but none came from the Pro-Life movement.”

Braid began working as a doctor in 1972, one year before the Supreme Court handed down its Roe decision.

“I understand that by providing an abortion beyond the new legal limit, I am taking a personal risk, but it’s something I believe in strongly,” Braid wrote.

Meanwhile, in a separate case, a federal judge will hear arguments on Oct. 1 in the Biden administration’s challenge to the law.

Pro-life activists estimate that the law is saving between 130 and 150 unborn lives a day.


  1. The 5th Vote

    1973, seven men voted for death,
    Sucker punched, out of breath.
    Sixty two million children dead,
    No words sufficiently said.
    They simply fall to the ground,
    The silent holocaust, not a sound.
    Precious children we defile,
    No judge, jury or trial.
    Ecclesiastes, a time for everything,
    Let all unborn children sing.
    Time for a mother of seven to be number five,
    The hearse for (Death) Roe about to arrive.
    Walk on water, get out of the boat,
    Way beyond time for the 5th vote.

  2. But For 3 Votes…

    I search for the heart of the matter,
    As my heart continues to shatter.
    How can it be,
    That but for three,
    Sixty million hearts would beat.
    Instead, our nation in total retreat.
    7-2, the Supreme Court vote in ‘73,
    The applause from hell I can almost see.
    Three votes the other way,
    Millions of children would be alive today.
    No judge, jury, or trial,
    What possibly could be more vile?
    This American civil war needs to be stated,
    The silent holocaust must be abated.

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