Listen, what you are about to read will be a game-changer to the way you perceive life…
Because you’ll surely encounter what I’m about to tell you.
So read on.
Every single day you will encounter things that would either irritate you or things that you wouldn’t vibe with.
These things could be the way someone speaks, the manner in which someone talks, the way they do their things, their manner of approach, their line of thought, or their attitude in general. And this could come from anybody
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And one thing is this you’ll always feel a form of irritation whenever things don’t fit into your own perception of how they should be and as a human being, they will be this urge for you to respond in an act of correction in order to align these things to your own perception. Sometimes we do it harshly other times will do it calmly.
Because in as much as we’ve been taught not to tolerate rubbish from people it is also important we understand the wisdom to relate with people’s inadequacies so we don’t act like a sensor to a remote.
You see one thing you must understand is that people’s level of intelligence differs. Not everyone has the same level of understanding as you do. Not everyone has the same concept of how things are to be done as you do.
Not everyone has the same mannerism as you do.
When you understand this you’ll be able to see things from a different perspective and understand the wisdom to deal with people’s inadequacies.
The truth of it is that we must train ourselves not to allow any slight irritations from people’s behaviour or manner to get to us always or make us angry.
People shouldn’t be able to predict the things that will easily trigger your anger.
You see maturity isn’t just in age but the ability for you to have a level of fortitude not to allow things get to you easily.
You must embrace the shield of tolerance to be able to accommodate people and their inadequacies even as you seek better ways to show them lightly from your light.
You know it is good not to tolerate rubbish from people but it is a great strength as a leader to be able to work with different kind of people with their different character in unison – and tolerance is one weapon you must embrace because people act based on their level of knowledge and exposure and people behave based on their belief system.
We must therefore learn to tolerate people to some level so we don’t sound like a clashing cymbal all the time.
Of course, you shouldn’t agree with everybody’s lifestyle but you should have the wisdom to relate with them.
And to the wise tolerance doesn’t mean acceptance rather it is the wisdom to know how to deal with a situation at the right time and in the right way. This is the mystery of tolerance.
I hope it makes sense to you.
I am Harrison.