Home Editors' Pick What Happened To Chidinma Ojukwu? (Bad Parenting Or Society)?

What Happened To Chidinma Ojukwu? (Bad Parenting Or Society)?

What Happened To Chidinma Ojukwu? (Bad Parenting Or Society)?

What Happened To Chidinma Ojukwu? (Bad Parenting Or Society)?

What Happened To Chidinma Ojukwu? (Bad Parenting Or Society)?

This has been the question these past few days from the incidence and tragic outcome of events between Chidinma and Late Mr Ataga. I bet I am not the only one with this question in their heart as it has really been a cause for concern. 

Chidinma Ojukwu or ( ) is an example of the average Nigerian youth who by virtue of circumstances found herself in a messy situation. Although the investigation is still ongoing, as the matter unfolds, truths and secrets are being revealed and the world is waiting for the final piece. 

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A lot of speculations, accusations, inundations, altercations, and what have you has been the order in this matter. Journalists and News media ready to bounce on any information reliable or not to create an impression and traffic. 

What Happened To Chidinma Ojukwu? (Bad Parenting Or Society)?

However, due to the temerity of this issue and the volatility of social media, it has been a headliner on all major newsstands. But, my concern is not on whether or not so and so happened but on Why did it get to that point.

Every action has an equal and opposite reaction, nothing happens without a cause (Law of cause and effect). That it comes out of the blue doesn’t justify that nothing is behind it, something must have caused it. In the case of CHIDINMA, what happened to her ??

From her story and we can point to two things; Parenting and Society ….


Parenting is the first education a child gets and in most cases the determinant of their future. It is the foundation for virtues, values and viruses we have in the society at large. 

If the foundation is destroyed what shall the righteous do? The answer is they build a new one…. But that means a lot of work, time and energy. Good parenting can never be overemphasized, when a child is well trained a generation has been taken care of. 

In her case, a faulty upbringing could be the reason, for a child at a tender age to make choices on what to do and the way to live is the fault of a missing authority over her. If you indulge children to make choices and decisions when they don’t know their right from left you have just set a time bomb waiting for you in the future. 

Smoking and drinking and hanging out with friend and the likes at a little age could tell of a faulty foundation. No one is to blame but someone must take responsibility.  Children are like Cement, before they become brick they are malleable and can be molded into any shape. If you let them be without defining their shape from the onset you would get brick you didn’t plan for.

Chidinma Ojukwu And Late Usifo Ataga 

Thus, at this point you would have to live with the outcome or break the entire brick into pieces. There was a fault in the nature of her upbringing as she started rebelling from a tender age. Good parenting secures the society at large, directly or indirectly. A lot of hoodlums would not be on the streets today if they had one. I would be discussing good parenting soon.

The second factor is the Society. 


The society is the second parent. Some things you don’t learn from parents you get from the society. There are things parents don’t see because we keep it from them but a good society would call you to order. That doesn’t seem to be the case these days.

Society indulges some terrible acts as everyone looks away and say that’s their business they have parents.. Guys hang around an uncompleted building and smoke weed, skunk, marijuana and hard drugs and people just walk away.

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The society is no more interested in the youths well being and way of life. Gone are the days when elders would caution you and report you if need be when they see you misbehave or join negative influence.

Chidinma Ojukwu And Late Usifo Ataga 

The society instead encourages some youths to be wayward and ruthless. Elders having a smoking joint with teenagers and the likes. All in the name of freedom of choice. The society is already polluted that children like CHIDINMA could not be cautioned and counselled against immoral conducts. 

Who Is To Blame?

The choices we make eventually make us who we are. Chidinma is a victim of her choice. A university undergraduate in her penultimate year in that situation shows that it’s her choice that led her into that. It’s all shades of bad what had happened to her and the dead.

She could have been a graduate and make the best out of the life she would have chosen to live but now in a mess that could change the targentory of her destiny. She could eventually land a long jail term that could take up to if not half of her youthful lifespan just for one silly act.

Parenting and Society influence the choices we make but it’s always left to us to make that choice. Children have emerged from orphanages , poorest of backgrounds to become global giants today. So no excuse for you to blame the upbringing and parenting for your misfortune.

Chidinma Ojukwu And Late Usifo Ataga 

What happened to CHIDINMA is a matter of choice and that’s the life she chose to live. If everyone takes responsibility for their actions, everyone will agree that they are the problem and not the other person. 

Make the right choice today. Say no to drugs. Say no to wildlife. Live s responsible life. Be a responsible parent and husband to your family. 

In the end, all man will speak for himself,  Be wise. May God have mercy on us all. My condolences to the Ataga Family.

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