Home Love And Relationship Do All Men Cheat? Yes Or No and Why?

Do All Men Cheat? Yes Or No and Why?

Do All Men Cheat? Yes Or No and Why?

Do All Men Cheat? Yes Or No and Why?

Do All Men Cheat? Yes Or No and Why?

Why Do Men Cheat? 

Some sayings become facts because they have been proven, while some are controversial by what circumstance(s) surrounds the event, so they are conditional facts.

The saying “ALL MEN CHEAT“, has appeared to be one ‘Controversial‘ fact that the female gender even in the womb holding on to because of recurrent experiences, personally, collectively or relatively. Almost all women say All Men Cheat but are that a fact that is proven regardless or subject to the personality, or circumstances around it.

I ask you Do all Men Cheat????

From my research and interactions with some ladies, I constructively penned down their thoughts on the male figure that results in the Verdict that ALL MEN CHEAT.  Thus, to make a balanced article I made objective analysis and possible remedy to every flaw and faults noted. Enjoy..


  1. They aren’t certain or sure of what they want – (UNCERTAINTY)

Choice has been a great key and tool given to Mankind. The ability to make the most important choices in life is all in your hands. Although, the rare cases we can’t choose, have little or no impact only when we choose to let it.

For Instance, we don’t choose the day we were born, we don’t choose our biological parents, we don’t choose our background etc. But all these choices matter to our relevance in life when we allow them. That’s by the way…

One of the greatest flaws of a man is no knowing what he wants. It’s the foundation for an irresponsible life.  When a man doesn’t know what he wants, there is no goal, no rule, no law, there is no form…

Men are natural predators and when they have a target they go for it earnestly but when it’s undefined everything looks like what they want so much a Man will Cheat

ALSO, CHECK How To Say ‘NO’ Effectively Under Pressure

Do All Men Cheat? Yes Or No and Why?

  1. They always want to have alternatives. 

Options come as tests to Commitment and loyalty, prudence, faithfulness. Are you sure you will remain faithful if you had other options?

A loyal friend is the one that has alternatives more beneficial to his/her present but sticks with you to through thick and thin. People love to live in the now, no one wants a refusal or undergo the test of patience, we want to have it anytime we feel like. So in satisfying hunger they always want alternatives, such a man will cheat

  1. They want to see every personality they aren’t just satisfied. 

Dissatisfaction, a man wants to have 100% qualities of his ideal woman in a Soul automatically and in doing so it makes you compare characters and attributes.

However, knowing that it is natural for a man to like more than one person and still maintain their relationship, they end up. cheating. A man can love 3 women for entirely different reasons just to complete his selfish nature of having it all.

This leads to having multiple women to complete the idea of a perfect woman… Terrible but true no man cheats with women that have the same attributes and Qualities

No Woman Is 100% in All Qualities, Perfection is Continuous and Progressive, not instant.

  1. People cheat because they are lured to do it… normally on their own they wouldn’t have done it

Victims of Circumstances

Sometimes you don’t judge till you find yourself in the exact similar situation and come out of it strong. Men are moved by sight so what they see informs them. When a man falls for a seductive appearance, he has been pre-informed and pre-meditated on the act and did not take it to heart to decline.

Falling by seduction is a gradual process. It starts with your eyes being fed consistently when it gets to your heart if care is not taken with the right opportunity you will cheat. Most times are drawn by the physique, beauty of shape, smell,  and other physical attributes.

No one looks away from a good sight, including women. Thus, when they see a beauty they admire and as predators, they want to acquire

Do All Men Cheat? Yes Or No and Why?

Guard Your Heart with all diligence for out of it are then issues of life.

However, the above attributes are true for a man who chooses not to be Responsible, remember Choice…

A Garden abandoned will eventually turn to a forest and abode wild animals. The nature of man is to cheat because it’s an Adamic nature that everything bad likes to make the first impression.

Darkness always shows up before Light comes to repel it..Night comes before the Morning…

So Everyman who refuses to grow up and take responsibility will cheat directly or indirectly

The remedy is to Have

  1. The Spirit Of God
  2. The Fear Of God
  3. Principles
  4. Values
  5. Self Control ….

If a man puts his hands on the plough and looks back he’s unfit.  If you take the bold step to make a life with one lady don’t look back because of the way to go if forward. This is why before you take that step to be sure God is ahead of You.

Marriage is a beautiful thing, a Blessing, Many have little or no idea of what they want, who they are, and why they want to spend the rest of their lives with someone before going into it. This is why we have a lot of pitfalls in the institution of marriage, many are just after the ceremony and not the matrimony

As for the singles, having multiple partners is just the beginning and making of an infidel..

Let your eye be single and your body full of light. Grow with that one person, build, and you’ll see that what you admire in others someone was responsible for it …

My Conclusion All Men Don’t Cheat …. If there is a 1% that don’t, there are over 30 million souls in that Category..


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