Home Celeb Happy Birthday Pastor Jerry Eze From The Preachers’ Portal

Happy Birthday Pastor Jerry Eze From The Preachers’ Portal

Pastor Jerry Eze Live - Acts Of God - 20 November 2021
Pastor Jerry Eze Live - Acts Of God - 20 November 2021

Happy Birthday Pastor Jerry Eze From The Preachers’ Portal

Happy Birthday Pastor Jerry Eze From The Preachers’ Portal

Pastor Jerry Eze Is A Year Older Today

Today, The Preeachers’Portal Global join the world to celebrate a Kingdom giant, PASTOR JERRY EZE, on his birthday. Pastor Jerry is an embodiment of many graces, full of life, drive, passion, zeal and the Holy Ghost.

ALSO, READ Pastor Jerry Eze – Biography, Age, Wife, Family, Net Worth, Career, & More

Heaven is rejoicing as this day brings to remembrance the birthing of a voice, a mouthpiece and an oracle of God. Pastor Jerry is a man to reckon with in the end-time move of the spirit, fully, worded, youthful, panache and of course a blessing to this generation.

Preachers’Portal wants to thank you for your work in God’s Kingdom, your walk with God’s precepts, and the word of life you constantly emit.

Happy Birthday Pastor Jerry Eze

ALSO, READ  Characteristics Of A Genuine Pastor, He is A Good Example

No doubt, the speed and access you enjoy is a product of a man who is helped by God and doesn’t take it for granted. You are indeed a Genuine Servant of God, without Blemish and we pray you to keep a clean track record till the end. AMEN!!!!


Below are pictures from his Pre-birthday Celebration in Abuja





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