Home News Presbyterian Church In America Votes To Leave National Association of Evangelicals

Presbyterian Church In America Votes To Leave National Association of Evangelicals

Presbyterian Church In America Votes To Leave National Association of Evangelicals
Presbyterian Church In America Votes To Leave National Association of Evangelicals

Presbyterian Church In America Votes To Leave National Association of Evangelicals

Presbyterian Church In America Votes To Leave National Association of Evangelicals

Due to the interdenominational organization’s history of promoting public policy, the Presbyterian Church in America has decided to withdraw from the National Association of Evangelicals.

At the PCA General Assembly on Wednesday, the theologically conservative Presbyterian denomination voted 1,030 to 699 in favor of overture calling for them to leave the NAE.

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Known as Overture 3, or “Withdraw from the National Association of Evangelicals,” the measure had originally passed the South Carolina-based PCA Pee Dee Presbytery at their stated meeting last October.

Chapter 31 of the Westminster Confession of Faith, which states that councils and synods “are not to interfere with civil affairs which concern the commonwealth, except by way of humble petition in cases extraordinary; or, by way of advice, for satisfaction of conscience, if they be thereunto required by the civil magistrate,” was cited in the overture as a justification for leaving the NAE.

Presbyterian Church In America Votes To Leave National Association of Evangelicals

“[T]he NAE has frequently intermeddled in civil affairs, by publicly pushing for action on the environment, immigration, and has changed its original stance on the death penalty,” reads the overture.

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The measure also cited as a concern the NAE’s passage of a resolution in 2018 titled “Fairness for All” in which the Evangelical group expressed support for anti-discrimination laws on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, provided they included robust religious liberty protections.

The PCA overture continued, “Many well-known conservative and evangelical thinkers and leaders have condemned this compromise as not leading to ‘fairness’ for all who uphold biblical teaching on sexuality and marriage but rather attempts to guarantee religious freedom for some organizations and institutions while potentially undermining the pre-political religious freedoms of all Americans codified in the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

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PCA “had no need of the benefits of membership in the NAE, especially of having a voice in Washington supporting political problems that would not even be permitted as a matter of discussion before its councils, let alone be endorsed as stances,” the overture further stated.

Presbyterian Church In America Votes To Leave National Association of Evangelicals

The NAE currently has roughly 40 distinct member denominations and church networks, and PCA is still listed on their internet list, which The Christian Post was able to see on Thursday afternoon.

The Salvation Army, the Wesleyan Church, the Assemblies of God, ECO: A Covenant Order of Evangelical Presbyterians, and the Christian and Missionary Alliance are more member organizations.

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The choice was made at a time when the NAE president, Korean American Minister Walter Kim of Charlottesville, Virginia’s Trinity Presbyterian Church, is a PCA-ordained pastor.

Kim was elected as the organization’s new president in October 2019 and assumed duties on January 1 of 2020, making history as the first person of color to lead the influential Evangelical group.



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