Home Christian Life Proper Praying Positions And Patterns With Biblical References

Proper Praying Positions And Patterns With Biblical References

Proper Praying Positions And Patterns With Biblical References
Proper Praying Positions And Patterns With Biblical References

Proper Praying Positions And Patterns With Biblical References

Different Ways To Pray Effectively

Is it disrespectful to sit down to pray ?? Is it biblical to open your eyes to pray ?? These questions and many more do people have a conventional answer to but not the biblical standard?

When an elder and a teenager sit during a prayer session, what comes to mind is that the teenager doesn’t honour God. Now worse is the case if the elder is standing and the youth is praying sitting down, people would say all manner of things. But when they go to God does he see the elder and the youth by age ??

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The physical state or position of the body does not always reflect the state of the heart of the authenticity of the prayer. God searches the heart, and God is not mocked.

You can roll on the bare floor with unforgiveness in your heart against a neighbour and God doesn’t answer you but a neighbour who is just saying a prayer in his seat.

Your proper prayer posture isn’t the position of your body, but of your heart and spirit…

To a humble spirit… it’s about humility.

Psalm 51:17 (NKJV) The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit, A broken and a contrite heart— These, O God, You will not despise

There are several instances or various positions and postures patriarchs in the Bible portrayed when praying to God.

Below Are Some Ideal Prayer Positions, How And When To Apply Them


1. Sitting

1 Chronicles 17;16-27

Sitting is not a carnal position when praying. It’s biblical and scriptural and as well very effective. There are times you sit to pray it all depends on the situation.

When To Sit and Pray;

  • During Meal
  • In a Bus
  • In a meeting
  • Driving  and so on

Who Should Sit to Pray

  • Aged or Sick Person
  • Tired, Weak or Stressed
  • Anyone, It all depends on the situation

Prayers made sitting down: All categories can be made in this position but more appropriate these for desperate situations require desperate measures.

  • Gratitude
  • Appreciation and Thanksgiving
  • Request
  • Silent Prayers

2. Kneeling 

Luke 22;41 ; 41 And he withdrew from them about a stone’s throw, and vknelt down and prayed, 42 saying, w“Father if you are willing, remove this cup from me. Nevertheless, not my will, but yours, be done.”

Another awesome position is the kneeling posture. This shows submission to an extent but this is when the heart is kneeling with the body too. Although it would not be a convenient posture for the aged many still do. Kneeling is highly scriptural and many patriarchs pray to God in that posture.

When to kneel to Pray:

  • Confessing of sin
  • Making a request
  • Worship and Honour
  • Praying in pain and so on

 Who can kneel to Pray

Everyone is able.

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