Home Audio Messages The Evidence Of Genuine Intimacy With God – Apostle Joshua Selman

The Evidence Of Genuine Intimacy With God – Apostle Joshua Selman [Audio MP3]

Apostle Joshua Selman 16 September 2021 | Thursday Morning Message

The Evidence Of Genuine Intimacy With God – Apostle Joshua Selman [Audio MP3]

The Evidence Of Genuine Intimacy With God – Apostle Joshua Selman [Audio MP3]

ABOUT AUTHOR: Joshua Selman

Joshua Selman is a Nigerian Gospel minister and televangelist. He is the founder and senior pastor of the Eternity Network International – ENI, also called Koinonia, a Gospel fellowship in Samaru, Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria. Download all messages from the evangelist centred on Personal Development and its efficacy in Christendom

ALSO, CHECK Download All Apostle Joshua Selman Messages on Holy Spirit (Mp3)

The character of God is such that when He meets you, He fills your current hunger and leaves you with a greater one and that’s what pushes you back to pursue Him. It is one thing to be born again, it is another thing to be addicted. Your intimacy with the Holy Spirit will make many things happen for you in life.

ALSO, CHECK Apostle Joshua Selman Messages on Finance, Business, Wealth and Prosperity

Evidence of Genuine Intimacy With God – Apostle Joshua Selman [Audio MP3]

Do you know that the Holy Spirit made Jesus the Christ, empowered the patriarch and prophets of old? God’s priority for me is that I will know Him. The primary call of a believer is that you conform to the stature, character and fullness of the measure of Christ. If your pursuit for Jesus is tied to anything other than Him, there is a ru…You really need to listen to this powerful teaching!



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