The Night Sound – Harrison Avrukpere
The Night Sound – Harrison Avrukpere
What you are about to read, is not for everybody. Most times what I teach here is not gotten from any book but from the place of meditation and diligent observation. There’s this thing called: “The Night Sound”
It’s something you need to know. So pay careful attention let me show you… The human spirit/soul can easily be influenced by Sound. Irrespective of the kind. Every night while you sleep, your spirit tries to find an anchor as it travels to the dream world. And if it can’t find any anchor, your sleep becomes neutral.
Stay with me.
You need to learn this. These anchors could be any happenings you had that day before bed, it could be your dominant thought before bed or the movie you watched keenly before bed. But the strongest is “The Night Sound”. Let me tell you about this night sound… Depending on the influence of this sound on your spirit while you sleep, your spirit can travel to a dream world and show you things.
The Night Sound – Harrison Avrukpere
Sometimes you may have a beautiful experience, other times unpleasant ones and most times a powerful one depending on the kind of sound. You see, while you sleep your ears don’t. Just that it can’t pick all the sound it hears but this night sound never escapes it. Let me show you how it happens…
You may have had this experience I’m about to show you without observing it before. Before you dash to bed tonight. Play a song. Any song on your phone. You can either use an earpiece or not, it doesn’t matter. Just ensure it’s close to you and you can hear it but not necessarily too loud.
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Now, this is what happens… While you sleep with that same song still on, on repeat, something happens.
Your spirit would try to find an anchor, And that sound from the song you’re playing would have the greatest influence and it will ride on its influence. You see, your spirit doesn’t just pick the song itself but the sound. Every voice has a sound, every instrument produces a sound and they all have influence depending on the kind they produce together.
The Night Sound – Harrison Avrukpere
Now depending on the type of sound the song produces, your spirit would try to find something as it travels with that sound to the dream world. Most times you’ll have a different kind of experience. Some might be a spiritual one, an epic one, a revelation, a knowing, a gathering, a kind of event or something you don’t even understand but you must wake up with a touch of its influence on you.
Sometimes you might even cry or become so emotional without knowing why. But most times we are not observant of this. The sound of the night is powerful.
Few people who understand this even go further to set their alarm with a particular kind of song. Because they know its effect on their spirit before waking up.

The kind of sound that wakes you up must have an influence on you. Especially on your emotion.
As I conclude…
The night sound is a beautiful thing to the soul while you sleep. There’s no vacuum anywhere. For me, I choose great songs especially epic sounds without any words or lyrics just sound alone.
The Night Sound – Harrison Avrukpere
I have also experimented it with all type of songs. Gospel songs, conventional/”worldly” song, all kinds are it fast or slow but I prefer the latter.
Some can disturb your spirit if you can’t relate with them or not comfortable with them and you may end up having unrest while you sleep.
But these days, my night sounds are mostly epic sound or worship. You can even listen to a message on repeat while you sleep and your spirit would ride on the influence of that message. It is called *The Night Sound*

PS: I have never read this from any book or been taught before. I only have a different kind of mind and a way of seeing things.
However, as I said, this is not for everybody.
I hope this info helps someone?
And I believe you learnt something.