Pastor Leke Adeboye Shares 6 Things That Can Never Happen In RCCG

    Pastor Leke Adeboye Shares 6 Things That Can Never Happen In RCCG

    Pastor Leke Adeboye Shares 6 Things That Can Never Happen In RCCG

    Pastor Leke Adeboye Shares 6 Things That Can Never Happen In RCCG

    The Redeemed Christian Church of God is one of the most popular and if not the largest pentecostal church in the world.  Under the leadership of Pastor E.A. Adeboye. Each church has its doctrines and the members have to abide by them.

    ALSO, READ Meet Pastor E A Adeboye’s Great Family (Photos)

    As a member of the Redeemed Christian of God for many years, you are supposed to know some of the pros and cons of the church, and Pastor Adeboye’s son has taken to Instagram to list 6 things that can never happen in the Redeemed Christian Church of God.

    ALSO, READ Leke Adeboye Posted His Late Brother’s Picture And Himself on His Birthday

    Pastor Leke son of the General Overseer and these are the 6 things that he listed.

    1. Daddy G.O standing up as a newcomer.

    2. Davido called to collect the offering.

    3. A service without singing, clapping, music, or someone shouting hallelujah.

    4. Cancelling of Thanksgiving on the first Sunday of the month.

    5. No meeting after service.

    6. No social media presence.

    He then told fans to list the things they know can never happen in RCCG, many disagreed with number 2 but there were many intelligent responses too.

    – Cancelling of house fellowship.

    – Not playing songs before Daddy G.O. ministers.

    – Mummy G.0. not covering her hair.

    – No Sunday School on Sundays.

    – Cancelling of the annual convention and Holy Ghost service and so much more.

    What are the things that you think can never happen in RCCG? Say Yours


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