Top GOs Are Yet To Release Condolence Messages To The Late TB Joshua – Daddy Freeze

    Top GOs Are Yet To Release Condolence Messages To The Late TB Joshua - Daddy Freeze

    Top GOs Are Yet To Release Condolence Messages To The Late TB Joshua – Daddy Freeze

    Top GOs Are Yet To Release Condolence Messages To The Late TB Joshua – Daddy Freeze

    Is there a bigger dispute between Prophet T.B Joshua and Nigerian Pastors?

    Many in their research on the Prophet T.B Joshua claimed to he was not a genuine pastor. However, due to one of his comments when asked of his record of being born again, many claimed he responded with “I’ve been born again in my mother’s womb” which they say is contrary to the gospel.

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    All of these, coming with him sometimes replacing Jesus with Emmanuel, generated lots of talking points amongst christian folks.

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    His supporters and congregants claimed he was generous and atleast, a loving man. But none of this pleased many with firm christian background.

    Before his death, we’ve seen many men of God come publicly mentioning his name and disregarding his ministry as being fake. But in all candidness, he never responded publicly to any of these.

    ALSO, READ T.B Joshua’s Wife Breaks Silence Hours After Her Husband Passed

    Now that he is dead, many thought it’d be an end to the debate and at least, issuance of tributes will be made. But none came forth.

    Controversial Daddy Freeze boldly took to his Instagram account to express his grief on how many didn’t at least post a tribute to him which generated a lot of talking points in the comment sections

    Top GOs Are Yet To Release Condolence Messages To The Late TB Joshua 

    Daddy Freeze wrote:
    “Dear Nigerian top GOs, it won’t be a bad idea if you offered a condolence message to TB Joshua’s congregation and his family. Ti a ban ja, bi ka ku ko” which if translated to English means: if having a dispute, it’s not unto death.

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