Home Christian Life Yoga Is Demonic – Ex Yoga Instructor Reveals (Video)

Yoga Is Demonic – Ex Yoga Instructor Reveals (Video)

Yoga Is A Demonic - Ex Yoga Instructor Reveals (Video)

Yoga Is Demonic – Ex Yoga Instructor Reveals (Video)

Yoga Is Demonic – Ex Yoga Instructor Reveals (Video)

Ex Yoga Instructor Reveals Yoga Is A Demonic Practice

There are many practices today that has become a norm and a way of life that have spiritual implications and repercussions. As believers, not everything that looks good does well to the spirit, soul and body. We believe man is made of these 3 parts, and everything that must be done must profit the most important your soul.

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The Bible says what does it profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul. The soul remains valid on earth and in the afterlife. It determines where the man would spend eternity. However, this being said we cannot dispute the importance of bodily exercise even when the Bible says it profits a little. 1 Timothy 4:8 For bodily exercise profiteth little: That little could cost your entire existence on earth if take lightly. 

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Ex-Yoga Instructor Reveals Yoga Is A Demonic Practice

One major practice that many believers engage in is Yoga. A solemn, mediation and relaxation exercise that helps put the mind at ease and keeps the body in shape. But the question is… is that all there is to Yoga. 

Yoga has an origin, a source, a code of conduct. It is a religion and has systematic practices. This revelation will shock you. 

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Life is spiritual whether or not you believe in the existence of God or not. An unseen force controls the seen. 

In this video below watch an ex yoga instructor reveal the spiritual and demonic implications of Yoga. He has some shocking information and revelation to back this claim. 


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