Home Marriage And Family Life Ladies: 5 Things You Must Know Before You Marry A Pastor.

Ladies: 5 Things You Must Know Before You Marry A Pastor.

Ladies: 5 Things You Must Know Before You Marry A Pastor.

Ladies: 5 Things You Must Know Before You Marry A Pastor.

Ladies: 5 Things You Must Know Before You Marry A Pastor.

Things You Must Know Before Marrying A Pastor

Marriage is a wonderful experience, an institution created by God for the purpose of companionship, relationship, communion, and dominion. Choosing a life partner is one of the greatest feet a single will have to engage and making the right choice is honourable and eternally rewarding.

Most ladies engage certain tools and templates in finding their Mr right but end up making a mistake or getting the right man that doesn’t tick all their boxes of an ideal man. They look at physiology, career, social status, opulence, family and all to make this decision on who to settle with.

A good guide to knowing Mr right would soon be published stay tuned, but first, let’s talking about those who are on the way or praying to marry a pastor.

In this article, we will be looking at five basic things women should know before choosing a pastor as a husband.

Below Are Things You Must Know Before You Marry A Pastor.

1. Know The Area Of His Calling:

Every pastor has a particular area where he is called. It is your responsibility to ask him in what area. It could be healing, deliverance, faith and so on. You need to know his role in the body of Christ and get prepared for the task ahead. Some women are less concerned about these things and get carried away initially only to find out in the middle that they are not ready for it. Know the area of his calling and brace up to be a better half and not end his purpose with your unseriousness and nonchalant attitude.

2. Is He Full Time Or Part-Time?

Find out if he is n=into ministry full-time or part-time. If he is full time then no that a lot of sacrifices would be made at the early stage and this might not go easy. The early stages of ministry take everything from you and if you don’t give up give you more than you bargain for. Women have left their husbands because of finances and the pressure of running a full-time ministry. It would take a lot of sacrifices and let go to be successful as a pastor’s wife who is called full time.  The part-time pastors are not really on this table because they still have their jobs and in some cases serve under a full-time.


3. Changes Would Happen, Be Ready

One major sacrifice ministry brings is the death of self-will. You might have some plans as a single lady and envisioned a fairy tale marriage, but you see ministry will give you a new course. To remain focus you have to focus on the Kingdom and its demands MATT 6: 33. The first is the Kingdom and the rest is the reward. Be ready for changes and brace up to adapt to the tenets of a minister’s wife. Even the lifestyle you live if it’s not befitting has to adjust. You must represent your call as the man you marry has also married you into his call. You don’t want to end his call, if you can’t please don’t marry.

Embrace a new lifestyle of prayer, fasting, outreach and evangelism if you are not used to this. You automatically become a model and counsellor to younger ones. These changes are imminent and you must be ready for them.

4. Manage Temptations And Admirers

If you are too jealous and cannot stand your husband talking to another lady please don’t marry a pastor. He would not pastor only men but ladies and as well beautiful ladies. If he is attractive and a good looking pastor know that ladies also want what you want.

So brace up, if he is yours expect contention if you cannot deal go elsewhere, where there is less or no contest. A good man is also hard to find and when you find yours and he is a pastor don’t lose him for your mere jealousy and immaturity.  Control your territory with wisdom.

5. Moments Isolation And Denial

If your husband is full time then know that if you don’t wanna join him you would have to deal with moments of his absence. Retreats meetings, summits, conferences, crusades and so on would have you spending some nights alone praying for him. For you to join him on this journey would settle that but, if not, be ready to stay alone with kids. Nowadays pastors move with their wives because they have decided to join them full time. This is safest too but not always ideal except on revelation given certain conditions.

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If you’re a sexually active partner and want to be laid every night anytime any moment then go for someone not in that status. Although the bible says there must be an agreement before a denial for intimacy, know that this agreement will not always be there. Before marriage know if he is a sexually aware personality or already rigid before you get into it. This has as well caused a lot of broken homes. Know if your partner is active too, they might not say it but you can know if he loves intimacy before you’re starved beyond you can bear it.

Marrying a pastor is serious business. And any lady who intends to make this decision should know what she is signing up for.




Accept Jesus Christ today and secure a life of eternal rest and Glory …

Say this 1 Minute Prayer 

Lord Jesus, I believe you died for my sins, Forgive me of all my iniquities. I accept you as my Lord and Saviour from today and forevermore. Come and Be the Lord of my life and I am willing to obey your command and live according to your will as you help me, Thank you for accepting me into your fold. AMEN

JOHN 3: 3 Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.

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